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The Great Repaintening - between the ETLs

Of course, the ETLs weren't the only time I got things painted - after 2018, I did manage to keep some momentum going.



Well, I meant to get these pics of my Librarian up sooner, but better late than never!




I've also finished this Tactical Squad earlier today:





Just a quick little update today, but I finally found the time to wrap up my third rhino and second razorback:



I likely would have had an update sooner, but I've been agonizing over free-handing a suitable company standard.




Today... today I bring pictures.

I've finished a Devastator Squad equipped with Lascannons, and a Techmarine in full servo-harness.



The Great Repaintening continues!




So, I'm supposed to be working on my servitors to go with my techmarine, but I got distracted and ended up painting a new captain instead.





Got my quartet of servitors done tonight:





Hey all, I've finally completed a classic Dreadnought. He's got a couple of weapons - a lascannon and an assault cannon. I've also added a little icon to the left shoulder, much like my power-armoured marines.







I've finally completed the Company Ancient. I need more practice with the decal paper I purchased (I should invest in some micro-sol and micro-set), but I mostly like how it has turned out.

This is the "fighting" standard of the Fourth Company - the Company Number, Chapter Icon, and Company Motto are all present. The motto for the company is "Nostris Teneamus" - which I've done in a sort of Carolingian Minuscule script to evoke a more medieval feel.

The Company Ancient is escorted by the Company Champion (who's been done for a while, I needed a few attempts to lay out the standard to a level I was pleased with).




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