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The Havenesse Spiral Campaign - Sub-sector Description

Alongside my Great Repaintening, I wanted to exercise other creative outlets - thus, the Havenesse Spiral sub-sector. I envisioned it as a personal slice of the galaxy where I could lay out campaigns, stories, and so on. The Crusade/Narrative way to play should have been right up my alley, and really helped build out the sub-sector, but it never quite gelled for me. Perhaps the new edition will provide a spark?



++++Sub-sector Description++++

The Havenesse Spiral: a sub-sector of the Charadon Sector, located in the Ultima Segmentum. The primary system is the Meneter system, a convergence point for a few stable Warp Routes, and thus a waystation for Imperial shipping traveling along the Scutum-Centaurus Arm between Balor and Schindleghiest; this is the Gateway to the rest of the Spiral. Following the Spiral brings the traveller to the Xundaenia 4P7 system, hosting a minor Forge World (aligned with Metalica) tasked with keeping the Spiral supplied. Continuing along the Spiral takes the traveller to the Utis system, site of an apparent planetary cataclysm, as indicated by a vast asteroid field in the habitable zone. The last inhabited system of the Spiral is the Ipra system, recently colonized by the Imperium, drawing settlers from Meneter and Xundaenia 4P7. The only other notable location in the sub-sector is the Lomia system, in close proximity to Xundaenia 4P7. Lomia would ordinarily be ignored by the Imperium and the Adeptus Mechanicus alike, but for the presence of the Space Hulk Spire of Desolation.

Approximate distances: 45,000 light-years from Holy Terra, 15,000 ly from Macragge, 7,500 ly from Metalica


+++System Information+++

++Meneter system++ (UL/CHA/HS/995/505/+29) (G class/yellow dwarf star) (The Gateway)

+Planets and other astral phenomena+ (starting from the innermost)

  • Thuyephus (ringed gas giant/Saturnine)
  • Cholvarth (terrestrial Fortress World/High Imperial) - Evis (asteroid moon)
  • Crolla Waystation (enormous orbital station/shipyard)
  • Zore's Light (comet/outbound)
  • Zetrov (terrestrial Death World[Arctic]/Penal Colony) - population suitable for Adeptus Astartes recruitment - Dao (space station/monitor)

++Xundaenia 4P7 system++ (UL/CHA/HS/931/537/+15) (M class/red dwarf star) (The Forge)

+Planets and other astral phenomena+

  • Dust Clouds
  • Brinda MW (gas giant/Neptunian) - Phion XO (habitable moon/Forge World)
  • Ulmorix CBQ (terrestrial Mining World/Mid Imperial) - Coth TGR (large moon)
  • Drillon 04B (orbital station/supply point)

++Utis system++ (UL/CHA/HS/910/513/-25) (M class/red dwarf star) (The Shattered)

+Planets and other astral phenomena+

  • Halvao (gas giant/Neptunian) - several asteroid moons
  • Thociumia (gas giant/Neptunian) - Achayama (habitable moon/Feral World) - population suitable for Adeptus Astartes recruitment
  • Dust Clouds
  • Asteroid Fields (ancient Phion XO records [dating to before the Great Crusade] indicate that a terrestrial planet used to be found in this region)
  • Seunia (ringed gas giant/super-Jovian)
  • Korus (ringed gas giant/super-Jovian)

++Ipra system++ (UL/CHA/HS/927/481/-38) (B class/blue star) (The Young)

+Planets and other astral phenomena+

  • Dust Clouds
  • Acorix (comet/inbound sungrazer?)
  • Asteroid Fields
  • Imotania (dwarf terrestrial Forbidden [Garden] World) - under extreme astroid bombardment, it is unknown if this former colony has any inhabitants left
  • Razoth (comet/inbound)
  • Asteroid Fields - belt cities colonized by the Adeptus Mechanicus; main city is Lov 5CWU
  • Bageshan (terrestrial Developing Agri-World) - new Imperial colony

++Lomia system++ (UL/CHA/HS/937/527/+11) (T class/brown dwarf star) (The Inner Dark)

+Planets and other astral phenomena+

  • Spire of Desolation (Space Hulk) - Occasionally, brave (or foolhardy) souls attempt to explore the hulk, but almost none return.
  • Unnamed comet (outbound)
  • Dust Clouds


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