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+ They that touch pitch shall be defiled +

There's very little I find more disheartening in this hobby than getting enthused over a story I've come up with only to find I don't enjoy making the characters I've described. As a result, most of my projects start with models that I want to make and loose ideas that gradually cohere and come into focus, rather than being rigidly pre-planned beforehand.
The background that I've been playing with is thus a bit patchy, and explores a couple of spaces that I find interesting about the Salamanders. Here are my notes:
  • Post-Isstvan Dropsite Massacre
  • The road to hell is paved with good intentions: the force is making some very difficult, arguably dubious, decisions in their search for Vulkan
    • Senior character's opinion is Exitus acta probat; the junior's is more aligned with Vulkan's own teachings and enduring. A clash?
  • Searching for a way to revive their Primarch. Recon/scouty – light vehicles.
  • Olive drab scheme
  • Importance of fire – cultic symbolism: explore the runic incisions in painting.
  • Alliance/associations with similarly morally grey forces – Blackshields and Thousand Sons
  • Vehicle crew – how can I add some flavoursome differences to standard marines
  • Painting-wise: pure oils?
  • Gaming: Something I've never done – differentiated from other forces
    • All mounted? Infantry in Rhinos rather than bikes
    • Perfect excuse for lots of flamers – to the exclusion of other weapons?
    • Concept: each squad is a specialised unit of veterans that works mechanically in Kill Team. Understrength units.

Brother Nyoto of the Salamanders – a test model. I'm wrestling with whether to use him as a paint tester, or try to cast the legs and body.



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That sounds like a very interesting take on Salamanders. The clash of values regarding the search for Vulkan is a very fitting conflict for them, and a good basis for a narrative. The alliances with morally grey factions idea also fits very nicely in with this. It's always a pleasure to get insight into your creative process. Also, the test model looks cool!



On 8/16/2022 at 6:49 PM, CaptainFrederickson said:

That sounds like a very interesting take on Salamanders. The clash of values regarding the search for Vulkan is a very fitting conflict for them, and a good basis for a narrative. The alliances with morally grey factions idea also fits very nicely in with this. It's always a pleasure to get insight into your creative process. Also, the test model looks cool!

Ta very much – and interesting to try out the 'proper' blog features.

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