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So it begins.....



Since my first venture into 40k, my long time friend/ opponent has been @Entropomancer. Through out the years we had some epic battles with our various armies, some great team ups on the rare occasions, and most of all a good time having fun with friends. Win or lose it has always been fun as we share the idea of Fluffy army over WAAC


One of our goals was to have a Grand army, a  large main army with smaller playable support elements, like IG/ Astra Militarum armies of our own designs.  Entropomancer has found some cool models to add to his Grand Fleet, led by his Iron Warrior Warsmith,  supported by World Eaters, and giving him a unique IG/ Astra Militarum units. 


My army was always going to be based around being loyal to the Imperium with elements Adeptus Astartes, Adepta Sororitas, Grey Knights, Agents of the Imperium, Astra Militarum etc. Now if you were to ask me 5 years ago What would be the "Main Army" I would have said Marines (Raptors Chapter) or more than likely Sisters of Battle.  Well My Grey Knights are by far the most painted, playable, and every built model but one is at least primed. I still have to build 4 more Land Raiders. 


Last night Entropmancer and I were messaging each other about his army ideas, I ran through the idea of my Grand Army. So over the next few posts between Call to Arms I will list my idea for My Grand Army


And here is the list  for Part 1 

Agents of the Imperium- 1430 pts (plus  pts for Rex)

  • Inquisitor Lord Ersamus Cartavolnus (will be renamed, count as Coteaz) 
  • Inquisitor in Terminator Armor (thanks Legends)
  • Inquistor Rex
  • Inquistor x2 
  • Inquisitorial Henchmen (14 models) x2
  • Rogue Trader Entrouge (Ship crew) 
  • Astropath Varne Eckza (Count as Legends Espern Locarno) 
  • Voidsmen at Arms 
  • Imperial Navy  Breachers x3
  • Callidus Assassin
  • Culexus Assassin 
  • Eversor Assassin
  • Vindicare Assassin


Coming soon: 

Astra Militarum

Sisters of Silence

Grey Knights


Edited by WAR


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