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Grand Army part 2



So in my previous post I began talking about my Grand army idea starting with my Inquisitorial Forces (Agents of the Imperium- 1390 + points)


So this post is going to focus on the Astra Miliatarum, Inquisitorial Stormtrooper 909th "Hell Rain" Charlie Company.





The Inquisitorial Stormtrooper 909th, "Hell Rain" Charlie Company is currently assigned to Ordo Malleus.  Hell Rain is know for their skull war paint on their helmets, their grim demeanor, and ruthless dedication to Emperor of Mankind. Charlie Company is serving on the Inquisitorial Black Ship Interfectorem Impuri along side the Inquisitorial Breachers and Voidsmen in Arms.  


Astra Militarum (Miliarum Tempestus) 980 pts


  • Militarum Tempestus Command Squad
  • Commissar
  • Primaris Psyker
  • Regimental Engineseer
  • Tempestus Squad 10 man x3
  • Taurox Primes x2
  • Valkyrie 


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