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The start of a journey

Hello all, well just a quick back story, a year ago I exclaimed to my loving wife that I was done with the hobby of warhammer I wasn’t enjoying myself and I had become fed up with it all, so I sold my entire collection of models paints brushes and pallets, and for a year I was very content ignoring the hobby, but slowly ever so slowly I got that itch to look at models and think man those are cool and what not, so after a trip to the UK I went into a games-workshop on a whim in the city of Glasgow Scotland and saw a very cool diorama of orks and necrons duking it out and all resistance was lost, I got home and I’ve purchased 2 models paints and brushes.


here is the beginning of my VIIth legion, I’ve never painted yellow en masse before so this will be quite the journey and I can hear all the groans and grumbles but I am not gaming just hobbying as my community focuses far to much on the competitive aspects of the hobby and I want zero to do with that, so hope you enjoy the ride from here on out, as I take my journey to push my hobby skills and build the legion of yellow armor.  


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