First 1,000 Pt Games
First game of 10th Edition!!!
Note: This was played before some clarifications were made, so Demo Charges are one time use, the 3” ambush nerf wasn’t in effect yet, and I was playing the Nexos as being able to use the 2 CP strat for free (oops!).
I took a very basic list, mostly the contents of the Boarding Party and Combat Patrol, adding in a Ridgerunner, Nexos, and Biophagus for spice.
Neophytes x20 (Mining Laser, Grenade Launcher, Banner)
----Prowling Agitant
Acolytes x5 (Mining Weapons)
Acolytes x5 (Demo Charges)
Hybrid Metamorphs x5 (Flame Pistols)
Abberants x5
Goliath Truck
Achilles Ridgerunner
My opponent played Tyranids, his list was:
Winged Prime (Name?)
x6 Von Ryan Leapers
x3 Raveners
x10 Termagaunts
x10 Termagaunts
x10 Hormagaunts
x2 Carnifexes (One Melee, One Guns)
x2 Carnifexes (One Melee, One Guns)
I win the roll off and go first.
Turn 1
GSC: Very boring, I just claim a corner and shuffle the truck to block off the Leapers.
Nids: Very boring, some moving up, and ineffectual shooting. He puts down an objective per the scenario. Acolytes go into Deep Strike at end of his turn.
Turn 2:
GSC: Money time! Metamorphs and Abberants hop out of the Truck. Demo Acolytes come down within 3” of the Leapers. Mining Acolytes come down to challenge the Gaunts. Nexos/Primis/Ridgerunner combo with Neophytes to kill one Carnifex with shooting and take another to 4 wounds. Demo Acolytes use the +1 BS/+1 AP strat to OBLITERATE the Leapers. Didn’t even reach for the flame throwers. Metamorphs claim another corner. Abberants haul into Carnifex and kill it. Other unit of Carnifexes are able to move from shooting and Heroic into the Truck and kill it.
Overwhelming Force: 3 VP
Investigate Signals: 4 VP
Nids: Carnifexes and Hormagaunts pile into the Abberants. Raveners pop up and fail their charge on the Neophytes. Termagaunts shoot and kill an Acolyte. Abberants kill all the Hormagaunts and wound a Carnifex pretty bad. Metamorphs go into Deep Strike at end of his turn.
Game Called on Time
Turn 3
Played my turn a bit to see how Tactical cards worked a bit more.
Acolytes took objective from Termagaunts, Abberants killed another Carnifex but lost all but the Abominant. They rolled the 4+ and came back in my back field. Neophytes killed the Raveners. Metamorphs come down within 3” and take Nids home objective.
Assassinate: 0 VP
Deploy Teleport Homer: 5 VP
Ok, round two!
After being so impressed with how the Demolition Charges worked last game, I went ahead and swapped my Acolytes with Mining Weapons out for Demo Charges.
Neophytes x20 (Mining Laser, Grenade Launcher, Banner)
----Prowling Agitant
Acolytes x5 (Demo Charges)
Acolytes x5 (Demo Charges)
Hybrid Metamorphs x5 (Flame Pistols)
Abberants x5
Goliath Truck
Achilles Ridgerunner
This time up against Necrons, but Destroyer Cult, not Silver Tide!
Skorpeth Destroyers x6
--Skorpeth Lord
Scarab Swarm x3
Scarab Swarm x3
Hexmark Destroyer
Ophidian Destroyers x3
Ophidian Destroyers x3
Lokhust Heavy Destroyers x3
--Lokhust Lord
Deployment: Sweeping Engagement
Primary Mission: Vital Ground
Mission Rule: Vox Static
Nothing to special from me still. NeoBrick on the home objective, heavy weapons poking out. Truck and Ridgerunner hidden by Terrain. Acolytes down on the corner for scoring.
Turn 1
Necrons: Scarabs move up and score a secondary in the middle. Lokhust take a shot on the Neophytes, but I stealth it.
GSC: Neophytes pop a Lokhust for fun. Metamorphs hop out of truck and flame down Scarabs. Truck hops onto objective. Acolytes work on scoring secondaries.
Turn 2
Necrons: More Scarabs in the middle scoring some other secondary (some people get all the tactical cards, I swear). Ophydians poke the truck a bit. Other Ophydians charge the Acolytes in the corner but only kill 2 of them.
GSC: Abberants hop out of Truck. Hybrids move towards the Ophydians. Demo Acolytes come down in Necron deployment zone. He uses Rapid Ingress on the Hexmark. I manage to pick up all of one Ophydian squad, all the Lokhusts, all the Destroyers, and half a Scarab swarm. Between Hexmark and Heroic he is able to clear me back off his home objective. Ophydians pick up corner Acolytes.
Turn 3
Necrons: Lotsa reanimation, some moving. I bring back both Acolyte units. Hexmark shoots up the Hybrids, they fail to return on their 4+. End of his turn, I return both Acolytes to reserves.
GSC: Spent Demo Acolytes on his home objective again. Fresh Demo Acolytes on Obj within 3” of his Ophydians. I start more killing. Lokhust Lord dies second time for good. Ophydians all die. Scarabs all die. He just has the two characters left, so we call game.
General Impressions:
- Not really news now, but Demo Charges are very strong. Obvious things are Obvious.
- I liked having the large brick to anchor my home objective with the Str 12 shooting. The mining lasers have been a very legitimate threat.
- Heavy mining tool Acolytes need to be a max unit size in order to work (more on that in later games).
Aberrants are shockingly durable, and the Abominant giving them Sustained Hits is actually quite fantastic.
- Bouargh and TrawlingCleaner
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