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September 2023 Balance Dataslate -- Kneejerk Reactions

Hello all!


Sorry that my normal posting schedule got disrupted by NoVa and life, but the balance dataslate is a perfect chance to slip in a low effort post! 


Some knee jerk thoughts:


Cult Ambush


This was actually a fairly frustrating change to me. The end result is for most practical intents and purposes, models are coming back on a 4+. It’s just….very convolutedly written and I wish they had made it simpler and more streamlined. To be honest, I don’t particularly like the direction they took GSC with this rule. I appreciate how it is meant to represent on the table how they act as an army, but it’s entirely too random and difficult to balance. As most tabletop gamers are all too aware, the four ups are fickle.


Modifying Stratagem’s Costs


This one is a bit hidden, so you are quite forgiven if you miss it, but it will primarily impact the Nexos. 


“Rules that modify the CP cost of a Stratagem but do not specify the name of the Stratagem can only be used to affect the CP cost of Battle Tactic Stratagems.”


“Rules that allow you to use a Stratagem even if another unit has been targeted by that Stratagem this phase or turn, but that do not specify the name of the Stratagem, can only be used to use Battle Tactic Stratagems”. 


List of Battle Tactic Stratagems for GSC:

  • Index - A Perfect Ambush
  • Index - Coordinated Trap
  • Core - Command Reroll
  • Core - Go to Ground


It’s….a short list. The good news is that it won’t impact free Grenades and the like for the Saboteur. However, coupled with the points hikes, I expect that the Nexus will be mostly gone from lists now, given that the singular best Stratagem it can impact now is A Perfect Ambush, and that may not be worth the 60 pts.


Also: the Double Demo Alpha Strike is Dead, long live the Double Demo Alpha Strike.


Atalan Jackals


They come in within 9” of a table edge now, not 6”. This is mostly a quality of life change due to the new 3” restriction on Ambush Markers. Not huge, but welcome.


Points Increases


We’re not surprised right?


For the most part, I don’t really see anything too tragic here. I stayed away from the triple Primus build for a reason, and when they came for it…they came for it. I still think you’ll see the Primus running around, just probably in more measured ways.


Only one thing I do want to harp on--I HATE the 10%(ish) hike on the Aberrants. They were already expensive and they had a unique role of tanking in an army that severely lacks for it. What a frustrating shame, clearly it was to pre-prune ideas of an immediate pivot to Muscle Beach.


Moving Forward Productively


So…what are the future building blocks?

  • Acolytes got off relatively lightly, so plenty of them in the future. 
  • Nexos are probably out. 
  • I do want to highlight Hybrid Metamorphs went completely untouched and they have been performing VERY WELL for me. I have more to say on them later on, but I think they have been seriously overlooked. 
  • Kellermorphs are also untouched, and very competitive for having a second unit that can 3” deep strike in a turn for scoring secondaries. Don’t sleep on their point scoring value!!!
  • Brood Brothers--Manticores took a big hike and Scout Sentinels a smaller one, but Basilisks are unchanged and perhaps quite the opportunity….!!!


Shake ups can be tough, but it’s always a good chance to re-evaluate everything with fresh eyes!


Back to the Dojo!!!


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