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AdMech Patrol #2 - Kataphron Destroyers Complete



The Series continues with the finished Kataphrons taken out of this second Patrol Box. I should say from this ooP (or soon to be) Patrol Box as anew one has been announced.


BTW, what are we goint to find in this new Patrol box?:

  • One Manipulus
  • Five Pteraxii
  • Three Serberys
  • One battleline squad of Skitarii.


I already commented in the forums that it is IMHO a significant change into the structure of the "Patrol" type of content vs. the previous one we got for AdMech:

  • A change toward a more useful character
  • The loss of a Tank and Kataphron delete most of the gunline feature of current AdMech Patrol
  • The inclusion of Serberys and Pteraxii put the focus on combined arm approach - in the mood of the 10th Ed Index

For me this is a huge change in the design of the Box vs. current way of gathering forces for AdMech. In fact I tend to think that this box is not a good way at all to start a new army. I see it, because of the units proposed, being more indicated for a second or third levy rather than for a core building of an AdMech force. Do not misunderstood me: I do like the composition and I will probably grab one for myself but I am a little bit confused about its potential for new AdMech players...


The maths were also done and shared by various contributors, and can be summarized as:

a. the new patrol box would represent a less interesting absolute discount as current cost of individual sets is about 175€ in the new configuration vs. 187,5€ for the current one; should it be sold at 125€ the discount will be lower.

b. the new patrol box would represent a smaller army point value, rounding the 275 pts max in the new configuration vs. 415 pts for the current one. For sake of comparison, the SM Patrol box is about 440pts worth atm... I wonder how the patrol rules will equilibrate this...


Anyway, back to the actual and current Patrol box I am painting. Here are the completed 3 Kataphrons:





As promised, in the same mood and trend as the previous ones. These can be aligned as a self standing unit or join the existing one into a big 6 Servitors strong unit. With these bases, these use a lot of space on the tabletop...




That´s all folks. Until next time. I will go back to the bench and keep on painting the SKitarii, or rather prepaint them by parts, until I am decided on how to tool them. Codex to be relesaed soon will play a decisive role (obviously) in the decision making. So, do not expect anything related to AdMech until the release of the Book of Mars.

Edited by Bouargh


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