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Colour scheme test for tiny Marines - "It´s not the yellow Sir, it´s the scale too..."



Disclaimer: :confused:


It is common statment that painting yellow is dificult. Rhodes´Academy videos then try to convince us that it is not the case and that Contrast paints make wonders. 

I am still undecided about that. In fact, I am facing some serious autoquestionning while looking at my latest paint job on tiny marines.

I tried Imeprial Fist Yellow to go toward , guess what, an Imperial Fists´ 6 mm force. 

I will not pretend calling them Imperial Fists anymore as it might be considered as an insult to their Primarch... And I do not want to offend any one.


But is it the yellow?

Damn sure: this Imperial Fist Yellow is a Contrast paint that does no bring any (sufficient) contrast. I tried the recipes from the usual Youtube´s suspects with no result. Or no POSITIVE results. Whatever the base coat I used, the aspect is Dull. Flat. Disappointing. 


But is it the yellow or is it the roughness of the mini?

Sure: these oldies are not really moulded in a way that they exhibit a lot of relief and structure fot the paint to develop aut-shades. But anyway, they are not so badly sculpted, are they?

As a result, I have been forced to put 2 coats of Imperial Fist Yellow. Great way to save time. Indeed.


Then while looking to the colour palet, I think a dirtier Yellow such as an Ironjaws Yellow may be better. It is true that I wish skipping the Shading step on these small marines, so... 

Is it the yellow or am I too lazy?


Anyway, if we forget about my supposed laziness, let´s face some disturbing fact: painting 6 mm little ponies is a very distinct exercise than 28mm.

I have the feeling I shall relearn everything. and seen th result, well, looks like I stepped back into the 90´s when I started collecting and painting. So, it is also the scale...


Just judge by yourself.


I tested the colour scheme on the 4 Terminators bases I have and on 1 of the numerous Officer bases left in stock on these antique sprues. For this one I decided to go for a Medic.

The colours are freely selected between HH latests literature, old RT era schemes and Firstborn colour arrangements... Internal medecine.




The Terminator detachment consists in 2 Proteus LR, pretending to look like the GW webstore model and 4 bases of Termis that may eventually try to ressemble to the alternative Tartaros paint scheme for IF (a.k.a black shoulder pads).


image.jpeg.d445749b038f02c82a77d6199da83c54.jpeg          image.jpeg.ff6c43032db4d021673fee9a52665791.jpeg


Inspiring, isn´t it? Yet... At 6 mm on my yellow-not-IF marines, it is definitively looking different (note the Sarge red helmet and the Veterans white ones - I´ve tried to be fluffy).




The Medic walks the battle field with a retinue white face helmetted vets of 1st company (with their red faced Sarge (its a new colour called Flaming Shame Red)) and can take a ride too. The small free hand banner (so Old Skool...) is in the end the only stuff I am almost proud of...




This try out is not convincent IMHO. I will have to think again about how to get a better aspect. My Agrax Earthshade pot is wispering that I shall give it its chance... Any help or suggestion from the Community?


What do you say fellows?




PS1: the pics are poor and disturb the colour a little bit, but they do not really make the models (these ones) looking really poorer than they really are. Honestly, without trying to take my turn in the Iron Cage for auto-punishment...


PS2: may be that, once set on a battlefield, with mass effect and looking at them from 3 or 5 feet diistance, they might be sufficient to give out a satisifying overall vision? 


Edited by Bouargh


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