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No Final Flight for WAR's Raptors



So this decision has been coming for a while......My Raptors will be no more. 


When I started playing 40k in 2nd edition I played Space Wolves and then Sisters of Battle. During 3rd edition, I added Emperor's Children and Black Templars to the mix. During 4th edition I sold Space Wolves, Black Templars, and Emperor's Children and started playing Crimson Fists. 5th edition and 6th edition I played mainly Crimson Fists and every so often Sisters or Black Legion. 7th edition saw me shelve my armies for an all scout army for the Raptors Chapter. I loved the army and loads of conversions, and fun ideas. Then 9th edition saw the scouts move to elite. My army was done for and being replaced with Phobos. Phobos was not hitting hard enough and just caused me lose my attachment to them. With the addition of Plastic Sisters and well some how I amassed a Grey Knights army during the years, it was clear I had to play something else. When Covid descended upon us I had moved into my house and had my dedicated hobby area and I started working on my Grey Knights as my airbrush was not set up yet. Once I did get my airbrush set up it was mainly used on my Sisters of Battle and rarely on my Raptors. In  2022 I joined @Grotsmasha 12 months of Hobby challenge. And I had a blast participating in it and want to get back in to but my station is almost ready, but being a new step dad and returning to school is now my priority.  In my 2022 12 Months of Hobby Challenge (January-August) I completed 67 models, April was nothing, May was 5 sisters and a cherub and June was my Redemptionist and 2 cherubs, rest all Grey Knights or Inquisition.  My Grey Knight collection was 90% painted and became my focus army.  Then 10th edition happened and well once my Cards and Codexes come out for Sisters and Grey Knights I'll pick them up.  I just have no desire to play Generic Space Marines....unless it is Heresy Era.  I am not sure what I am going to do with my collection as of yet but I did trade all my scouts away to my friend in exchange for some heresy stuff.  For all the 10th Edition stuff I have (Leviathan box plus another Captain & 3 more squads of terminators) eventually become my 10th Edition 1st Company Raven Guard. 


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