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Snakes of Ithaka's return to the Phratry


The Iron Snakes

The Iron Snakes

Fear not the snake for his guile, nor his silence.

Fear him for his speed at striking,

The clenching strength of his coils,

The armour of his scales,

And the sharpness of his bite.

Fear the snake, oh enemies of man,

For his coils encircle us

And his bright eyes, unblinking,

Watch over us forever.


From The Lays of Proud Ithaka.



Time to start anew. It has been almost a year since I posted anything here., my small Ultramarines project that I started a previous thread for fizzled due to real life issues and hobby burn out, so I decided to take some time away and got stuck into a solo Gloomhaven campaign instead.


Over Christmas while I was off work I sat down and re-read brothers of the snake quickly followed by the 2 Urdesh novels and found the itch to dig my Iron Snakes back out.


Usually with hobby projects I rush into them with lots of enthusiasm but without too much thought into how to put my idea's into reality and this leads to a scattergun approach which usually leads to me to spending plenty of characters converted and painted but nothing much else, so this time I have sat down and made a plan of sorts.  With the Urdesh novels fresh in my mind I plan to make the squads/characters from that novel first:


  • Damocles Squad - using the sternguard kit as a base
  • Kalliopi Squad - using the jump pack assault intercessors as a base
  • Erasmos Squad -  using the assault intercessor kit as a base 
  • Platonos Squad - using the intercessor kit as a base 
  • Captain Priad - using dark angels master lazarus as a base.
  • Pyrakmon - techmarine kit
  • Hamiskora - librarian kit


I have sat down and painted a couple of test models which I am happy with these use slightly different colours to my previous models the biggest being the golds and have also pick up some awesome new decals from Aquila Relics to use for this project .


Below is the test model that I painted up using the old company champion mini that I have laying around.





I have had a rummage through the pile of shame and collected a few bits together and have started kit bashing a  5 man squad that I'll get painted up before I set to work on the above models.


Thanks for looking, until next time.



Edited by Snakes of Ithaka


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