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Tau expansion.



I've spent a fair bit of time hobbying recently and made some relatively good progress, the main idea was to try and clear the decks ready for the big expansion of my tau army following the release of the new codex and models. I spent most of the previous 2 weeks building , basing and priming the models with the aim of having these ready for the Call to Arms 2024 event on here and as you can see from the image below, I'm pretty much ready to go. 




Ready to paint are:


  • 1 Enforcer commander
  • 1 Tau Ethereal (store anniversary exclusive model)
  • 1 Fireblade
  • A squad of 3 Sunforge Crisis battlesuits
  • A squad of Breachers
  • A squad of Pathfinders
  • 1 Devilfish
  • 1 Barracuda (yes, I was the idiot who bought one the week before they became Legends!!)
  • 1 Tidewall Droneport
  • 1 Tidewall gun emplacement
  • 1 Kroot war shaper
  • 1 Kroot Flesh shaper
  • 1 Kroot Trail Shaper
  • 1 Blackstone fortress kroot tracker
  • 1 Kroot lonespear
  • 2 squads of kroot carnivores
  • 1 Krootox rider
  • a squad of 3 Kroot rampagers
  • plus all the associated drones (not shown)

I think that lot should keep me busy for a while, how much I will actually get done during the event remains to be seen.  


In the mean time I have been finishing off the projects still lingering on my desk :




Firstly finished my Stealth suit Kill team which I think turned out ok.




Next I finally got some paint on these shroud runners that have been waiting around since they were released,




Also finished up some 3D printed warp spiders that had been hanging around.




Also in prep to starting on my tau I ripped of the weapons on this crisis suit and added the correct loadout which had to be painted to match.


On top of these I also managed to finish of the last of my Kill team terrain, just need to find somewhere to store it all! 




Edited by drakheart


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