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Tanksgiving part 3 - Forges are lit



As part of the ongoing series about my local group upcoming Horus Heresy Tank Game.


(Previous articles)

Tanksgiving Part 1 

Tanksgiving Part 2


Well I finally finished building the 2 Vindicators and surprisingly 2 Predators this week. Still need to build them Kratos and Cerberus.


 Status of the  XIXth 909th Armored Company will consist of:


  • HQ:       Master of Armory Sicaran- Built
  • Elites:    Squadron of 2 Sicarans- 1 Built/ 1 Completed
  • Troops:  Squadron of 2 Predators- Built
  • Troops:  Squadron of 2 Predators- Need to purchase
  • Troops:  Squadron of 1 Predator- Need to Purchase
  • Fast Attack: Squadron of 2 Sabre tanks- Built
  • Heavy Support: Squadron of 2 Vindicators- Built
  • Heavy Support:  Squadron of 1 Sicaran Venator- Built
  • Heavy Support: Squadron of 1 Kratos- unbuilt
  • Lord of War: Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer- unbuilt








10 More days until the Call to Arms 2024 :biggrin:

Edited by WAR


Recommended Comments

Looks like your project for tanksgiving is quite on tracks. Only 3 predators to be purchased. Which flavours of predators do you plan?

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22 hours ago, Bouargh said:

Looks like your project for tanksgiving is quite on tracks. Only 3 predators to be purchased. Which flavours of predators do you plan?


4 will be Autocannon, lascannon Sponsons, 5th will be all lascannons. 

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You did not consider fielding a more exotic pattern? With magna-melta or conversion beamer for example (please note that I do not know if these are still a thing under HH 2nd Ed)?

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They are still in HH 2nd ed. If I ever expand on the armored company by making the tank squads larger that's when I would added the Magna meltas cannon, Executioner Plasma destroyer. 

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