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Call To Arms- Vow





I am proud this year to pledge my Allegiance to the Horus Heresy Stronghold in the name of Emperor! My Vow break down later.


One of my favorite things about the B&C community is the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge and the Call to Arms Model building and painting events. @Grotsmasha has done a great job at keeping these events going over the years.  I am getting married in November this year, so I am hoping to get back into the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge next year, as a way to keeping the painting going. 


I notoriously fail the Call to Arms challenges every year, but this year my Gaming Group, Metal Head Armory, are doing a Horus Heresy Tanksgiving event. So with that in mind I am vowing my XIXth Legion, 909th Armored Company:


HQ:       Sicaran

Elites:    Squadron of 2 Sicarans (one of these is completed and won't be vowed) 

Troops:  Squadron of 2 Predators

Troops:  Squadron of 2 Predators

Troops:  Squadron of 1 Predator

Fast Attack: Squadron of 2 Sabre tanks

Heavy Support: Squadron of 2 Vindicators

Heavy Support:  Squadron of 1 Sicaran Venator

Heavy Support: Squadron of 1 Kratos

Lord of War: Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer


Plus I am adding

Cataphractii Praetor 

a Contemptor

15 Deliverers 

10 Terminators

Storm Eagle



For 118 Call to Arms points


Vow pic





Edited by WAR


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