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General Update and what next post Call to Arms



It has been 10 days since I have posted....... time for an update


Well I got the main gun built and mounted on my Cerebus and that's all the real hobby stuff I was able to accomplish in that time.  I did get to see and hang out for with my local gaming group 06/22 for a few hours but not long enough to play a game, mainly it was to hang out an pick up my preorders, my part of our group orders, and drop off stuff I traded/ were giving to them. I gave up my AOS Sigmarite army that I was going to play, rest of my non Leviathan Terminators and Dreadnought, Space Marines and some bits and bobs.  In return I got some resin characters for HH and heads, more Dark Furies, Javelin Land Speeder, Xiphon Fighter,  Goliath Rock Crusher for Necromunda, Grey Knight Terminators, Sagittarius Upgrades. My Preorder was Adepta Sororitas Dice, Cards, Codex and the Auric Shield Captain for Custodes. 


So I need to get back to work on my Call to Arms Vow ASAP but I am looking forward to the next project.




With the Raven Guard being the Bulk of my forces, Custodes being the Second part of the army and Sisters of Silence being the Allied Contingent for both armies.


Raven Guard- Lots to build and paint. I really need to do all the Assault Marines, Destroyers, Javelin Land Speeders, Dark Furies, and Jump Characters


Custodes- I currently have 15 Custodes, 5 wardens and 2 Shield Captains. I need to get the upgrade spears and lots more but this is slow build army. 


Sisters of Silence- I have all 50 of my Sisters of Silence minus the the transports. Like the Custodes,  The army is a slow paint because of the method I am using. 






Hard to work on my Necromunda Gang unless we are actively playing it. 


Redemptionist- Now they have a Goliath for me to build for them, plus still have more gangers, and other support characters to build for them.

       Cawdor- Rabble rabble not a fan of them but I have a bunch of them. Ok Bomb Rats are hilarious 


Delaque- Have some not sure I'll ever finish them..... just not my favorite


Escher- Starter box no upgrades, I can see me making them eventually




So I have 3 armies for 40k, and a few smaller strike forces to attach to them.


Scions- The force that needs the most work to be legal by itself, and still waiting on upgrades from Models and Minis. I will eventually get back to them....one day.

Inquisitorial Forces/ Imperial Agents- Inquisitorial Forces: 2 boxes of the Inquisitorial Agents to build and few models left almost finished.  Imperial Agents: 3 Boxes of Breachers, Box of Arbites and Star Striders/ Entourage so quite a bit.


Adeptus Astartes- Terminators, Dreadnoughts, and Land Raiders..... Trying to decide on chapter: Raven Guard, Exorcists, Ultramarines, Imperial Fist, Blood Angels, Carcharodons, or Deathwing


Grey Knights- Closest army to being done. Not much more I can add besides make squads 10 man.  Really want to see the Codex first.


Adepta Sororitas-  I have been play 40k since 2nd edition and without a doubt this is my favorite army. And I really don't paint them.....I don't know why. Well  as much as I want to do another force, I am going have to restart my Adepta Sororitas. I have to redo their bases to match my Grey Knights in an Urban Environment. I need to really show this Army the love they deserve. Now to crack open that codex drop that code and get to list building. 


But some motivational art work!








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