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The absence of faith is the mark of the weak.



As much as I love Horus Heresy and Necromunda, 40k is what got me into the hobby, along with my friend @The_Oni_of_Hindsight convincing me to play, was the cool armor of the Space Marines. As I began the journey of 40k, I found Sisters of Battle and I was hooked.....1997 seems so long ago...it was too. 


Fast forward to now. Like many of us, I not happy with 10th Ed of 40k, for various reasons. With the drop of the Space Marines and losing all my battleline, since I played all Phobos Raptors.  Then the rumors of the Grey Knights getting rolled in to Imperial Agents only so my Grey Knights army maybe gone too....:wallbash:With this information I was worried for the Adepta Sororitas codex. The previews still had me worried, but I still preordered the codex, dice and cards. Well I finally was able to look through the book and did not hate it.  


My faith has been restored and I have plans to do a Grow/ Crusade league with my local gaming group. so I pulled the unbuilt models out....cause why paint the ones I have built. 




Baggie has 2 Multi meltas in them almost 500 pts..




Well with building them as Seraphim that will be 500 pts. 


but I need a new basing idea because I really need to put the effort in on these models




Through out the years I have played, "Painted" many different orders (newest to oldest)  Valorous Heart, Bloody Rose, Custom Order of the Parthenon, Order of the Martyred Lady, and Custom unnamed order that was black armor, red robes (this was pre OoOML Armageddon change). I feel with the new edition and wanting to add my Favorite Black Library Character to my army, and as  this version of army has not been painted or built, is time I add Sister Superior Mireya to my army as Battle Sisters squad leader. Plus I will add  Retributor Sister Alana with her heavy bolter in the next expansion of the army. 

Edited by WAR

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