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Further progress.....

Not sure progress is the right word as a nice shiny box full of goodies arrived, adding much more to my pile of shame:


So I got stuck in and assemebled an undercoated the Kroot, even made a custom Pech token using a eagle from the bits box. Not sure I'm going to keep the Imperial Navy team, so left them on the sprue. Clipped and assembled all the terrain in the box, very impressed with the kit , highly detailed, but also means it's going to take longer to paint. Now only got find time to play it, hope to get it all done for a small campaign with friends over the Xmas period.


On the painting front this weekend I made some progress on this bad boy:


Also managed to finish off the heavy intercessors I had been working on, get base coats on a few other models with the airbrush and paint a couple more bits of the Killzone Moroch terrain. Then, as if I don't have enough on my list to do I went and printed this:


Always wanted one for my firstborn chapter, but could never justify the expense. It was nealy a disaster running out of resin right at the end of an 8hour+ print, but I think I've managed to salvage it with a big wad of milliput to fill in the unprinted gap.


Edited by drakheart


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well done on getting the Kroot together... but what xeno species are "Firnds" :tongue: ... 

Shame about the resin stoppage... :ohmy:



Sorry, need better proof reading before I post, fixed now.

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