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Intermission 2 (WIPs)

large.20240712_144309.jpg.de1f260450e19e144d293c412551b957.jpgNothing very fancy from me today, just a potato cam images of some WIPS.


Two Khymaran Veterans. I might even finish them at some point. These are deliberately rough as a badger's chuff, and I'm a little fed up with myself, since despite practice, I just couldn't get the battenberg shoulder scheme down. In the end I settled for a mixed veg melange of red and yellow as their pauldrons would be if they were in normal livery.


The pic robs the guy on the right of his MK VII-esque armour, as I've trimmed his poleyns and his gorget. Worked a treat and very easy to do. Unfortunately this is the only phone/camera I have, ad this is the best pic of a dozen.


The weathering powder filled up some of the bolter holes in the legs, but at this point IDGAD, because they look great standing next tot he Deadnought (no not a spelling mistake) that can be found a couple of entries back. I both did and didn't enjoy doing them. Frustration is the worst type of motivation killer.


Speaking of which, that's it for today. Happy blasting.


Edited by Mazer Rackham


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