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Call to arms- I month gone



I month down  and 2 more to go. Still managed to get a fair bit done in the last 2 weeks:




I finished both tidewall components, a Cadre Fireblade and a squad of breachers, as well as their drone turret and a recon drone for the upcoming Pathfinders, which is when I realised that I hadn't allowed for drones in my original pledge! Not sure if the drone port drones should count for seperate points, but at least iwth these other two that takes my target total up to 120pts. This new batch is a nother 27pts owrth completed taking my running total up to 59 pts, so pretty much half way at least points wise.


Next up are the pathfinders, which ive got the base colours on, then it's on to the Kroot half of my pledge.




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