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Dread finished and a new start

It's taken me a bit to get back into the Blogging mind set mainly because of the long form framework. With FB, Insta...etc, you post a picture, quick blurb and be done with it, extremely easy to become lazy with words. You gain insta-gratification with "likes" or "Follows" but really, at least to me, they have never meant anything. Sure as a hobbyist getting hundreds of likes for a model you completed felt good at first but knowing some people just click on it because their finger is pre-programmed to do so kinda takes the wind out of your sail so to speak. I wasn't a extremely early adaptor of blogging but did start around 2000 with a blog mainly about the outhouse cinema I enjoy. The golden age of DVD's when all the worlds worst (not my words) would find a home on the format. Great tittles like The Sinful Dwarf, Cannibal Holocaust, Mad Foxes..etc  would all have their time in the spotlight. But not only movies, all things in life would find their way on there. All of your hobbies or pastimes like Fishing or Hunting, motorcycles, model building....all lead to the eventual departure from blogging all together because life became busy. Well I'm extremely glad that the Blog has made a comeback here, even if it is hobby, IE Warhammer 30/40K focused because it has given me a focal point, and of course that is my Alpha Legion force of the Great Scouring. I have been very un-focused with this project for many years, but given that 30K has gotten a huge push lately and this blog came along at the right time, I feel a certain completeness and really look forward to the few hours per week put into the hobby. 


Well here is my completed dread, really happy with the way he turned out. Plans for a few others have already be jotted down. I really do have to work on my photography skills though, they lack huge.

Now I'm not really a contest kinda guy but from time to time I do enter one if for no other reason than to light a fire under my arse to get stuff moving/completed. Well I entered BCK's Vehicle Challenge & Fire Raptor Giveaway. He was kind enough to pony up a Fire Raptor for the winner & even pay the postage!!! How awesome is that!! Anyway I hope more people enter this, his early poll seemed to show a lot of interest from folks but to date I only see a handful of us entering. I generally take a long time to paint stuff that others complete in a short time so there is still ample time for those of you that crank out projects, but its closing rather quickly so get a move on it!

Here is a WIP of my Sicaran 



Good luck for those of you that entered and for those of you that will enter!


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