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"And lo: by their devices and desires shall Chaos make itself known to thee."- Silas Hand





With Codex: Imperial Agents on the horizon, in a previous Blog post, I talked about my Grand Army idea...... :cuss: that was almost a year ago.... so I guess it is time for an update. According to the WarComm article :


"Should you instead wish to field an entire army of Imperial Agents, the Codex offers four new Detachments which add their own Detachment rules, Stratagems, and Enhancements to the mix, allowing you to support a full Inquisitorial force with no limitations on the number of units you can take. Three of these Detachments are themed around the major Inquisitorial Ordos, while the fourth represents those forces with significant Imperial Navy backing."


My previous Grand Army Idea consisted of Inquisition, Astra Militarum, Sisters of Silence, and Grey Knights. Sisters of Silence have been moved to Horus Heresy as the allies for my XIXth Legion and Adeptus Custodes. So now there will be 4 Detachments, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Xenos, and Imperial Navy in Codex: Imperial Agents, and let's focus on those potential updates.


Ordo Malleus:



With my completed Custom Terminator Armor Inquisitor Lord , Work in Progress Inquisitor Lord Erasmus Cartavolnus, and unbuilt Inquisitor Rex, Ordo Malleus will be included in the Grand Army.  (I want this Battle Force!) 


Ordo Hereticus:



Originally I was not including Adepta Sororitas in the Grand Army but they are being added now. This battle Force is not a must buy for me, compared to the Ordo Malleus one. I  have 2 unbuilt Kill teams of Inquisitorial Henchmen already, my custom squad of Henchmen, and then another 14  from the OM Battle Force,  


Ordo Xenos:



Another box I don't need. Will I add Deathwatch Veterans to my army.....Only under the command of Inquisitor Lord based off the Lok model and Artemis cause that model is awesome. 


Imperial Navy:



Well new army...sorta. With my 30 Imperial Navy Breachers, Star Strider/ Voids Men at Arms, Rogue Trader entourage, Astropath Varne Eckza (Count as Legends Espern Locarno), and the 4 major Ordo Assassinorum Temples.  


So that means from 1 Codex I will have 4 Separate Armies for my Grand Army. 


To be updated for the Grand Army

Astra Militarum

Adepta Sororitas

Grey Knights



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