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Call to Arms 2024 ..... further progres

We are now into August, with the deadline for the challenge only just over a month away, but I think I'm well on top of it which is just as well as I have a few busy weeks and a short Holiday looming. So as you can see below, I have finished the Tau themselves and moved onto their Kroot allies:




I squad of Tau Pathfinders and 3 drones (13pts)




Flesh Shaper, Trail shaper, War Shaper and BSF tracker (16pts)




Kroot Lonespear (5pts)




Krootox Rampagers (6pts)




Krootox Rider (3pts)




The first 5 Kroot carnivores (5Pts), just another 15 to finish off =




Now up to 111pts out of 126, so nearly there, will probably add a few more drones and I've also got another Broadside on order that I will try to add time willing.



Recommended Comments



Looks Great!, Youve got a LOT done in a short time :thumbsup: ,

I really Love the Blue skin on the LoneSpear's Mount Can you tell me what colours/Paints you used for that please ?... (i want to do something similar on a Ork Squig rider :sweat:)


Cheers, Mithril





The lonespear's mount was painted with temple guard blue skin, thousand sons blue of the scales, washed with Coelia greenshade and then highlighted with baharoth blue. :thumbsup:



Thanks heaps Good Sir :cool:

I had an Inkling that temple Guard Blue was in there (I have all the listed colours so it looks like it's a go :thumbsup:

Thanks again for answering!


Cheers, Mithril

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