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And they shall be my Angels of Death



Well the expensive 40K weekend got more expensive….future (step)son Troy, got his trip to my LGS and onions army. His Brother Coop and Mikey both picked their armies already so it was finally his turn*.

So some back story. My fiancé And I have known each other since we were 11 years old, in High School we dated and afterwards we got engaged. As we were way too young, we broke up. A few years later she married someone and I started a long term relationship with someone. She has one biological son (21 years old) and her and her ex adopted 6 special needs over the years (11, 10, 10, 8, 5 and 5). These poor kids were substance exposed in the womb and all kinds of issues. After 20 + years of her marriage she called it quits for a laundry list of reasons. My relationship was ending as well. We reconnected and realized we never stopped loving each other. We started dating at the end of March last year. Her ex and the kids dad died Sept 1st of last year. He was not much of dad or husband from the stories I have heard from her and the kids and surprisingly the neighbors/ friends. 

So back to Troy. With his Brother Coop getting to 2 Character models from GSC and  allowing Mikey to do the same with DG, the rule is you can’t pick an army that is in play in the house with exception of Space Marines and Chaos Marines. Troy wanted his army to be Red with gold (he wants to be a Firefighter when he gets older) and wants a space marine army that color….Sons of Sanginus it is.


Matching what his brothers got was not an option cause the new models are gonn be release soon. Model that caught his eye the Ancient blister. We grabbed his codex and cards






and while looking around 


we found this




Company Hero’s and along with this blister



And of course a paint set




he’s ready to Start….


*and this was all before PreOrder Saturday….

Edited by WAR


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