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30k Mechanicus expanded units



I've finally dusted off a project I started working on in7th ed 40k which was porting various 40k mechanicus units into 30k.


This if the first batch and working wip for the cult mechanicus side of things, I will be doing the Skitarii units as well. Currently the idea is these units simply add to the existing Mechanicum list but I've also drafted a separate detachment that will solely focus on the 40k units representing the more militaristic and regular mechanicum fighting force. There's a few special rules which don't have rules currently as they tie into the detatchtment I'm working on along with a few missing units.


The power level of this is probably a bit higher than the standard Mechanicum list but its also a bit more glass hammery.


Anyway please see the pdf below and let me know your thoughts


Cult Mechanicus v1.pdf


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