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Mission aborded...



Hi Folks,


While the 100th post in this BLog was coming closer, I started wondering what form it could take. After all 100 as a round number is looking like a milestone that deserves something special. Or close.

Usual suspects for that kind of autoconggratulation session can be:

  1. A look in the back mirror - the Blog that was and main previous entries. Come´on, it is so common (undetected attempt to humour)
  2. A look forward - what will come next. Let´s be frank: I have a planning and scheduling capacity that is almost asconsistent with medium term projection than a GW preview show. Pass.
  3. A tribute to my collection - it appeared that I just finished my ultimate SW model. And that it should be the last one ever of my big SM collection. A kind of big familly portrait could be fun. And so depressing that I do not want to consider unpacking all these First born painted with love and almost all at the brink of Lengendarization...
  4. Something new - a BatRep? Why not, I never did this before and I just succeeded into motivating a colleague who used to play to come back and give a try.


The lad stopped playing when 6th or 7th was still a thing. He had apparently a big activity at the time. Now, under 10th, even after decades of hobbying, we are rule wise bth noobs. Yet what is the mantra of any noob?: I shall know no doubt.

Let´s go for an arrogant and ambitious setting: a homegrown scenario, based on a scenery heavy table.


2000 pts each one - I go Admech he goes Aeldarii (he borrowed a part of my stuff and added some other things he still had in a box somewhere.

The setting is the dinnign room table, a city fight style table with 8 ruined building blocks (2x4) and scrap. We go on the small edge.

One attacker, one Defender. Attacker deploys on its edge (approx 1 block deep) hwhile defender dispose of full opposite half of the table. NO objective except controlling the max number of building quadrants at end of last turn - aleatroy number of turns.

Units destroyed to the last member can come back on next turn at ful strengh from any table edge you control and at +9" of any ennemy unit.


We decided to take notes and pics will eb done properly another day. Looked like a wise idea as rule managment required us to go through pdfs a lot. after 4 hours we ended turn 3.

In between we had lunch and while turn 3 was on going kids and wives went to the park. we decided to joined them for a small pause. Weather was splendid, cake delicious and conversation fun. Sunset came and any ambition to start a fourth turn had vanished away for good.


A very nice time spent even if, as a 100th post, it is not as climatic or glorious than expected at first.

While packing pack stuff I however managed to tae a few pics of the table. Units are already away. At least it can be a kind o Scenery showcase. Better than nothing?


I order to set ideas, the biggest building is an Sector Imperialis struture. It is on North side.

At South side, a broken building looking like a kind of wall with windows - this is where attacker (a.k.a I, with AdMech) deployed.

It can be seen that the Defender disposed of all the vantage points from the begining. The middle of the table is a kind of Hogan´s alley.


View from North side (Defender side)



The 4 quadrants occupied by Defender after deplyment:



View from South Side: 




A closer look at the SOuth side building line acting as a defensive wall:




The 4 south side quadrants - Conquer as soon as possible:



The whole table - it is night already outside...:






How did it developped?

Most of the initial turns was "going forward as fast as possible", "jumping above barricades" and "meeting in the 1st third of the table". Recycling losses allowed to enter them closer and pressurize the enemy, sometimes doing stuff like changing the force concentration point from one side to another. At least for the attacker. Troop recycling used to be less potent for the

defender as losses suffered were minor than mine.


Imagine yourself as a trooper, assaulting from South side: I have to run through these 3 or 4 layers of armed concrete walls... Finally being a mindless cyborg is a good thing. Hail the Omnissiah!




Otherwise in terms of lections learned, my Termite full of electrified priests did great (deep strike helps in this configuration). Hoplites too. Serberys sulphur hounds were very efficient, but mainly because they died fast which authorized a full redeployment at the other side of the table close to the ennemy. They killed some and died again. My Freeblade, occupying the center alley did not do anything constructive. Or rather, he died proudly in turn 3 under Wraithguard shots (Wave SErpent delivered), which make me wonder if such lads shouldn´t be added to my Aeldarii... It is important learning from your errors. 

At end of turn 3 I had 4 quadrant under control, one was disputed and Aeldarii had the 3 remaining ones. As both of us suffered serious unit losses, the turn 4 would have seen coming a big amount of fresh troops and units on both sides. It might have changed the face of the battle. We will never know.    


That´s all folks. a 100th post that is more or less representative of how I am practising hobby: painting, collecting, setting a lot of sceenery and playing, eventually. But spending good time always. I did not sort out as planned but really, does it matter? Indeed it sorted out as it should, which is probably the most important.


See you soon in a next installment. 


Edited by Bouargh

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