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Opening thoughts, the concept



Several ideas rumbling around in my brain, just wanted to get them down finally. I have a growing collection of various imperium forces, and wanted them to sort of tie in with each other somewhat. A group of various imperial organizations that work together to defend and expand their small sector of space, located on one of the edges of imperial control, a frontier as it were. Primarily this would consist of my space marines, as well well as the SoB, AM/IG, Necromunda and Kill Team models I have been collecting/hoarding. Some flavour on the prganizations inulded follows.


The Iron Boots (working chapter title) were established during one of the more troubled foundings (perhaps the cursed one, I haven't decided) to patrol a  troublesome yet remote corner of the empire, with a mandate to change a frontier zone of newly discovered planets into proper imperial settlements, eliminating xenos, and bringing the emperor's blessed rule to the human populations in the area. They have been fairly successful in this, establishing a Chapter/hive planet, a prison/manufactorum world for those whose lives are forfeit to the emperor, but don't require immediate execution, and bringing several formerly independent lost colonies into the imperium.


The chapter is joined in their efforts to subjugate the frontier by the planetary defense forces from their controlled planets, collectively known as the PSPD( working title, planetary and sector pacification divisions), aka the Raging Boars, elements from The Scarlet Order of  His Eternal Flame and Les Gardiennes du Sang-Precieux (orders minoris of sisters of battle), established on 2 rival shrine worlds in the sector to support imperial expansion in the area,  as well as penal legions raised from the local area (a small but particularly vicious regiment of note would be the Violators, led by Prisoner-Brigadier "Violent" Violet Vulpes. It's ranks consist almost exclusively of female gangers sentenced to death for crimes against planetary or imperial law, though exceptions have been made in times of heavy losses in the past.) When on the march collectively, as has occurred to fend off ork and tyrannid incursions, as well as to to conquer new territories, the combined force is called an Armata Strigoi, a group of the Imperium's most feared monsters to dispute any that might oppose it's rule.


As a frontier area, there is a small but politically important Adeptus Arbites and Inquisition presence, some who have even joined/requested an Armata Strigoi against particularly vile threats to the imperium.


Also noted as active in the area, though not necessarily in collaboration with the Armata Strigoi, have been several Astra Miltarum Regiments and sightings of one or more of the Great Companies of the Space Wolves (these would be the imperial armies of other players in my group)







Recommended Comments

I like your world building - unsurprising really as I've done similar for my Kill Team 40k homebrew marines in the Iron Gauntlet challenge. I hope you don't mind but I also have some Sisters of an Eternal Flame Order.:ph34r: 

Looking forward to your next installment and seeing some of your minis.

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Quite an interesting story there and I've a similar idea, the frontier one. Very cool concepts and will be interesting to read more as it expands and more details emerges.

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