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Curse you, Black Friday, Curse you!

So my FLGS had a huge Black Friday Sale online and in store too. Well I picked up the Martian Civil War HH Campaign book, some Citadel Spray cans from the online sale. Then on Friday I went in store to pick up some more items like Ad Mech Onager Dunecrawler, some glue and accelerant, and some Army Painter paints which is the point of today's blog. 




So as I slowly have been working on my Forgeworld Deimos Ad Mech forces, I have been using Army Painter Warpaints Fanatic paints. I really like their Army Painter Effect line and with the blue of the Deimos Robes it was easier to pick up some new paints instead trying to find it in the GW. So with some Turquoise colors I was able to create the robes of the Forge World Deimos.   




I have been stumped on the Terracota color for a little bit and well I was looking through the various paints paint companies I was undecided, and with losing motivation I jumped on building Land Raiders. While looking at the Fanatic Mega paint set online at my FLGS it was priced better than a lot places so I decided to pull the trigger as I was enjoying the paints.




And I cant just buy one set I picked up this set too




And I am already looking for the Fanatic Wash and Most Wanted sets....


While looking around I saw this....




Which may be perfect for the base armor color....

Edited by WAR


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Same here, black friday's sales led me to pick up castellans, sicaran ruststalkers, sulphurhounds and some skitarii too. Plus paints. All and everything at minus 25-30 percent.



Yeah my big score was the paint box for well under what army painter was selling it for on their Black Friday deals. 

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