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Relationships with other factions

Imperium of Man: Most conflicts with the Imperium come from the Imperial Cult as the two religions conflict with each other. Regardless, Ordo Celestia does offer aid to imperial forces quite often.


Aeldari: The Golden Kingdom sees the Craftworld Aeldari as haughty & pompous. However they are still willing to work with them as necessary.


Dark Eldar: The Golden Kingdom has offered to seek a cure for the Dark Eldar’s need to inflict suffering on others, though this often leads to them coming into conflict.


Tyrannids: Due to their nature, Tyrannids are considered unholy abominations no better than demons.


Orkz: As Orkz are only interested in battle, the Golden Kingdom does not have a particularly good relationship with them.


Tau Empire: The Golden Kingdom views the Tau’s devotion to the greater good as a solid foundation, but claim that unless their empire submits to God, they will surely fall.


Chaos: The Golden Kingdom are sworn enemies of Chaos & vice-versa. They see demons as the ultimate enemy against good.


Necrons: As of yet, the Golden Kingdom’s relationship with the Necrons is unknown, though opinions are mostly negative, seeing them as those who have already surrendered their souls.

Edited by Kaede45
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