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Astartes of Ordo Celestia

Astartes within Ordo Celestia are typically renegades who have accepted Christ as their savior, however there are Eden-born “Astartes” as well. While the Golden Kingdom has no gene seed or access to such, it is a miracle that they can even produce Astartes & by all accounts, they cannot, but the warriors they have are comparable to the Space Marine legions of the Imperium. At first glance, they are visually indistinguishable from Astartes, save for their lack of cybernetics, but if one were to dissect them they would find these warriors to be notably more “human” than the Emperor’s angels.


While they may not be Astartes, the term has been used to describe them as by all accounts they are. They undergo rigorous training, sharpening their minds, bodies, spirits & souls to become what they are. However, they do not undergo any form of surgery, although they claim that their transformation is no less dangerous. It has been stated that they are transformed by the holy water of a divine spring atop one of the highest mountains on Eden, though only after these individuals have undergone a spiritual trial of spending 40 days praying & fasting in “The Wilderness,” a vast desert wasteland reserved for those willing to test themselves.


Aspirants who endure & survive their transformation become initiates & are then subjected to intense physical & mental training, often by those renegade Astartes, to get them used to their new bodies. This training can last several years before an initiate can become a knight, at which point they are given their own armor. The armor of these knights is compared to the armor of God & a veteran will read Ephesians 6:13-20 as the armor is put upon them.


Unlike Astartes, these warriors are not infertile & may reproduce, although this is not common as they are called to devote their lives & service to God. Additionally, women may also join the ranks of these warriors, but again, this is very rare as most women who enter military service are called to other forms of duty.


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