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Lore breaks

Disclaimer: This is where I will attempt to rectify/explain how & why my faction, the Golden Kingdom, can exist in the 40K universe while breaking parts of established lore. I want my faction to both fit into the universe, while also bringing in my beliefs. As I stated before, I don’t mind if everyone else considers these changes too radical to be anything more than fannon, but I would like to try & make it make some sense in the greater 40K universe. As always, feedback & criticisms are greatly appreciated (but please keep it constructive) & feel free to ask questions here concerning aspects of 40K’s lore vs my lore so that I may know what to research & how to work with it. Thank you for your time & God bless!


The nature of the soul

In 40K’s lore, the soul appears to be connected with an individual’s psychic powers or presence within the Warp. For the Golden Kingdom, I would put forward that this notion barely scratches the surface of the souls true nature & is merely what can be understood by finite means. As such, psychic blanks, who are said to possess no soul, actually DO have souls, but their anti-psychic abilities are born purely out of their pariah gene rather than a lack of soul, as I believe that every sentient creature possesses a soul. It also appears that the soul can be destroyed (somehow). Again, I would assert that this is false, as the soul is created by the infinite & can only TRULY be destroyed by the infinite, thus whenever a soul is “destroyed” it really is only the psychic power/presence in the Warp that is destroyed.


The “True Chaos”

From the lore, we know that the Warp is much deeper than even the Chaos gods appear to know. The part of the Warp that humanity travels, where the Chaos gods rule is apparently just the shallows of the Immaterium. Additionally, while the Chaos gods are big evil dudes, they’re apparently not united, locked in an endless battle with each other. For my religious beliefs, I thought it’d be fitting to say that the Immaterium is effectively a “crater in reality” formed when the archangel Lucifer & his followers were cast out of Heaven (or the Aetherium in this story). Thus any map of Earth he Immaterium would be conical shaped, resembling Dante’s Inferno, where the Warp is akin to the shores of Acheron or the first layer of Hell. It has been stated that the warp wasn’t always a hellscape & only became that way during the “War in Heaven” & for that I came up with the idea that the Immaterium’s original purpose was to siphon evil, purify it, then release it, a sort of means to purify Lucifer so he could return to Heaven, however, Lucifer (now Satan) used his own powers to perpetuate the War in Heaven in order to overwhelm the Immaterium with more evil than it could handle, thus feeding himself with evil to gain enough power to escape & try to take God’s throne. In this case, the Chaos gods are extensions of Satan, serving his ends, whether they know it or not, by constantly feeding evil into the Immaterium to empower their master.


Edited by Kaede45
More lore breaks added


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