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The Arks

The Arks are enormous colony ships created by an engineer by the name Noah. After receiving a vision of dark times to come, he was told to build a massive ship to ferry the faithful to a safe world. While he personally constructed the very first Ark on Terra, Noah also coordinated with engineers across the galaxy, aiding them in building their own Arks. When all the Arks were constructed, they immediately made their way towards the world of Eden on the fringes of the Milky Way galaxy. While most of them reached this destination, several were said to have been lost, either by running afoul of enemies or warp storms.


The Arks served not only as the ferries for the first Scions, they were also constructed to serve as temporary homeworlds, having numerous biomes for farming & living. Each was also equipped with a military deck, where soldiers are trained & equipped & war machines are constructed, making them effective forward operations bases.


When Eden was conquered, the very first Ark landed & was dismantled, its parts used to construct Exodus, the capital city of Eden. Several other Arks were similarly dismantled, with most of the remaining intact Arks being sent out into the galaxy, their fates varying. After the birth of David, Abraham & his followers were led to one of the Arks, which they used to return to Eden from Terra.


The exact number of Arks built is unknown, making it difficult to determine how many Arks still remain hidden. In the current era, Ordo Celestia has found 12 intact Arks, which they use to traverse the galaxy. It’s estimated that 7 Arks, including the very first, were dismantled & used to build various cities & temples on Eden & there are rumors that Trazyn possesses one of the “lost” Arks in his collection, with its civilian & military crew still frozen in time. This means that at least 20 Arks were constructed, with some scholars claiming that at least 100 were constructed, but it is widely agreed that there may not have been more than 100.


Despite their massive size, none besides the Scions have ever been able to find any intact & operational Arks. Furthermore, no STC exists for the Arks anywhere, though it was stated that Noah himself was the only one to have knowledge of their design & that knowledge was never given to anyone else. Even his descendants do not possess any knowledge of how to build these Arks, though they do possess the knowledge to make them operational. It has been stated that Noah himself never possessed an STC & that the Arks were designed by the one true God, who simply guided Noah’s hands as he & his colleagues built the Arks.


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