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I don't know if you have WH+, but animations, and audiobooks should be an accessible stand-in while your hands are unavailable. This is one of those times where the hobby will take the backseat, probably for a solid six months. Take care of mama bear, take care of bub, take care of yourself, I remember those times, the stress.  



Sometimes you just need a break, and do not put yourself under pressure for not touching a brush. You do other stuff. I resumed painting this week, after almost 1 month break. Daily life matters kept me busy on other things and rest of time I just needed a good sleep. I do not feel that guilty neither, even if it is a little bit annoying admitting that my 12 MoH 2025 will not be at the level I would have wished while plannning my year to come in Nov.. But I set the bar high.


I will (forced) break agaian in a couple of week as all stuff will go in crates and card boxes for an international moving. May I complete my objetive of enlisting 8 models (only) this quarter? I doubt, but, it will not be dramatic in the end... I will run for a stubborn badge instead...:biggrin:


Focus on sleeping when you can. It is the most important thing I remember from my own paternity time.     



14 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

I don't know if you have WH+, but animations, and audiobooks should be an accessible stand-in while your hands are unavailable. This is one of those times where the hobby will take the backseat, probably for a solid six months. Take care of mama bear, take care of bub, take care of yourself, I remember those times, the stress.  


Have them both and definitely use them.  Thanks Grot!


49 minutes ago, Bouargh said:

Sometimes you just need a break, and do not put yourself under pressure for not touching a brush. You do other stuff. I resumed painting this week, after almost 1 month break. Daily life matters kept me busy on other things and rest of time I just needed a good sleep. I do not feel that guilty neither, even if it is a little bit annoying admitting that my 12 MoH 2025 will not be at the level I would have wished while plannning my year to come in Nov.. But I set the bar high.


I will (forced) break agaian in a couple of week as all stuff will go in crates and card boxes for an international moving. May I complete my objetive of enlisting 8 models (only) this quarter? I doubt, but, it will not be dramatic in the end... I will run for a stubborn badge instead...:biggrin:


Focus on sleeping when you can. It is the most important thing I remember from my own paternity time.     


Thanks for the advice @Bouargh 



I think it was almost a year I was away from the hobby desk each time when we had our two children, so it's not easy to get that time in. Unless you can sneak some painting supplies into work for some lunchtime hobbying, the best you can do as Grotsmasha said is dip into other aspects of the hobby where and when you can (and plan all those new projects you'll do when you get back to it!). I don't think it was until the youngest was about 4 or 5 that I started to get regular hobby time again... but then that's also my wife wanting to decorate/DIY/"get stuff done in the house" getting in the as well.


Pretty much everything goes on hold for those first couple years, but that's the sacrifice we make for the grots, and we do what we can for ourselves when we can. A loved, cared for and well raised child is more important and satisfying than a top notch painted army... or so I've been told :laugh: I'm not quite so sure to be honest, as even the most stubborn and fiddly Space Marine figure gives me quite as much attitude or nonsense as either of my boys! :tongue: 


Of course, you could just say "Honey, I'm not getting enough hobby time in, I'll take this evening off and do some painting." If you survive that encounter, come back and tell us how it went :laugh:





Mine are 4 and 6 now, and I can tell you from the other side, it does get better. Any addition to the family shakes up routines, especially if its your first! As the dust settles and new routines emerge you'll find time to return to the hobby, less time certainly, but perhaps more cherished. 

I  charted a big W with my second child by regularly having her strapped to me with one of those baby-wraps. The little one got used to taking naps in it, creating an opportunity for me to not only get in some hobby time, but provide some much appreciated relief to my spouse. 

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