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30 Years of Hobby - Packing time

Hi Folks,


It is time to move, or rather prepare the moving. There are 7 days lefy before starting loading the truck. And I packed all the stuff I jealously want to keep for myself and, if possible in good shape.


But 30 years of Hobby is a big volume of stuff. And some models requuire very specific care if one want them to arrive at destination in a single piece.

Past weeks have therefore be spent reinforcing boxes and tray, cutting foam spacers, revarnishing some models, just in case...


Which were the trickiest models to pack?

As one may guess, Cawl and its AdMech minions, especially Sydonian dragoons, Freeblade Knight for its size, Flyers such as Corvus Black Star and Storm Eagle. And the Yncarne.

I can only hope my protective measures will be enough.


In the end it is a huge amount of cardbox crates. It is impressive how much stuff was packed in my closets.








You see things that are still in process of being packed. But there are also 3 more big plastic crates not pictured. With more scenery. Lattest years passed at building lots of buildings plastic trees, hils and gantries allowed getting very fun KT tables but it is a lot of stuff which packing leads to big volumes... 

Paint pots and modelling supplies are also a non negligible amount of stuff requiring special care - spillage of opened paint pot is not something one wish to experiment, do one?


But bitz and spent sprues management is really an issue: almost 2 crates. I should try to sell them to the owner of a bitz ebay shop, at a symbolic price, just to get rid of them while avoiding simply getting these tiny plastic bits ending as a waste...


7 days to go and so much other things to do.


See you once arrived at the other place.


PS: I also found back stuff I had forgotten for years - Dwarf Flame Cannon, Tankhol the grey seer, Spore mines... The flame canon (the genuine model with big barrel) made my day! 


PS: Apologies from the XMas tree for its participation in a photobomb...

Edited by Bouargh


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I hope everything makes it to your new home safely. I know when I moved or had the previous house remodeled, the added stress out over my models, move, demo and reconstruction did not help the stress I was already under. 


Cant wait to see no place :thumbsup:



I am rather confident. First I paked everything with care. Second it went quite fine last time we moved in the other direction. Yet it is sure I did not had all these AdMechies spiky bits last time...


I am eventually more concerned by my "other" collections: 200 bottles of wine. What's one may call a heavy load...



The journey has been long, but all stuff has finally been delivered. More or less in good shape. Most of the services from the moving company were just so terribly poor that I expected much more damages. These chaps drops crates, brought them upside down,... We end up with serious damage in the new (rented) house and I will have to start a new type of painting hobby. The last day they even did not come, leavung stuff on the sidewalk. Serious pricks...


So far main observed damages are all on AdMech: Cawl servoskull beheaded, Serberys rider abd Kastellan or Castellax with unglued parts and some antenas unglued too on the Dunerider. Most will be easy to fix.

I still have 3 crates waiting to be inspected: the ones with the Yncarne and the Styrix Knight. I will wait for a while as I am too busy by the critical unpacking and my new job. And, as my wifes says, Small Army Men are not part of the Critical stuff... 

Big draw back of the move: I have lost my hobby space for good. There is a big covered patio to host games and tables but no available space for dedicated painting and modelling as I had before... Hopefully I have been gifted a painting tray 2 years ago, it is time to organize its Innauguration Day.



@Bouargh Moving is always something messy, especially when third parties are involved for taking and delivering the boxes filled with your belongings (I had my fair share of issues with moving companies). Hopefully the rest of the miniatures have survived the trip with no damage, fingers crossed.


Posted (edited)

On 2/25/2025 at 5:08 PM, GreenScorpion said:

Hopefully the rest of the miniatures have survived the trip with no damage, fingers crossed.


Indeed, "Fingers crossed"


Edit: I could not stand more and I went exploring some of the other crates. The Yncarne went through unaffected!!! Hoorray!!@

Edited by Bouargh

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