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A Great Unclean One almost took me down.......

Wow this cold/ Flu is freaking brutal.....chills, sinus pressure, cough, congestion, phlegm, exhaustion, fevers, all of it. Hit my house like a ton of bricks. All the kids got it along with the wife and me.  And as I was recovering, Wife and I went to Disneyland with my Bestfriend and his wife, for a mini moon without kids and of course it was cold and rainy (misty rain) so Nurgle's blessing did not go away.  And now that I am back home and back to work we are dealing with a high 80's this past weekend to a high of 61 today and Rain expected. Would that weather be a Tzeentch Thing?


Well I'm feeling better but still have not shaken the cough. I have yet to resume working on models. I miss working on my models but I am spending more time at work due to us being shorthanded again, so when I am home I am trying to spend time with wife and kids since we were all sick and not spending time together. 


I will be back soon.....




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