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Adeptus Battlegrey Space Wolves

Grey: Krylon Grey Primer, found at walmart or home depot. I spray that on as a primer, then wash the whole model with Badab Black. After it is completely dry, I overbrush/drybrush the armor with Adeptus Battlegrey (which is nearly a perfect match to the Krylon), leaving the armor dark in the recesses. I highlight it with a drybrush/edge of Skull White. After I paint the trim in gold, I use Badab Black again to line-in the gold.

Red: Over the Krylon, I paint Mechrite Red. Then wash the red area with Badab Black. You have to be careful to sort of draw the wash evenly over the area so it doesn't dry all blotchy.

After the model is completely done, I varnish it with Krylon Matte Clear varnish. It actually helps blend the mechrite red on pauldrons to the Badab Black. And you never have to worry about paint rubbing off.

Gotta love the $3 krylon spray paints.

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