Alpha Legion
- 14
- 82
- 1657
Death Guard & Nurgle
- 20
- 241
- 3903
Emperor's Children & Slaanesh
- 4
- 99
- 3577
Iron Warriors
- 18
- 113
- 6401
Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus/Black Legion
- 16
- 142
- 3227
Night Lords
- 26
- 124
- 3674
Thousand Sons & Tzeentch
- 15
- 103
- 2589
Word Bearers
- 23
- 95
- 3760
World Eaters & Khorne
- 16
- 170
- 3629
Horus Heresy
Colour schemes and others
- Album created by Agramar_The_Luna_Wolf
- Updated
- 145 images
- 145 images
Hereticdaves Hounds of Abaddon
Hounds of Abaddon Force, miniatures mostly from previous editions.
- Album created by hereticdave
- Updated
- 2 images
- 2 images
Legion of Taurus - Kill Team
A gallery of my new Legion of Taurus miniatures painted for Kill Team.
- Album created by firestorm40k
- Updated
- 37 images
- 37 images
Noserenda's Sons of Horus
My Sons of Horus as i build em
- Album created by Noserenda
- Updated
- 11 images
- 11 images
Horus Heresy
Stuff for the 2022 edition and old boxed games
- Album created by de Selby
- Updated
- 3 images
- 3 images
Assortment of traitors legions
A place to store my complete pics and WIPs
- Album created by Archidamus
- Updated
- 81 images
- 81 images
War Wolves
Pictures pertaining to the War Wolves warband- Album created by Doctor Perils
- Updated
- 37 images
- 37 images
Frankendoodle65's chaos
Assorted chaos, mainly world-bearers and deathguard- Album created by frankendoodle65
- Updated
- 98 images
- 98 images
Night Lords
Here I will post my work on my NL.- Album created by Master Umbra
- Updated
- 205 images
- 205 images
Red Corsairs Revival
Taking old models and getting them fit for combat in 8th ed!- Album created by Syrakul
- Updated
- 119 images
- 119 images
Dark Angles/Space Marines/Night Lords- Album created by jgascoine011
- Updated
- 3 images
- 3 images
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