Manufactorum Scenery
Pending to upload a decent overview of all the main pieces of Scenery in a City Fight Table.
I am still proscratinating the (re)flocking of the crashed (second hand) Aquila Lander.
No next steps at view atm even if I have enough bitz ton build up other obstacles or barricades. Some kits are appealing such as aegis Line or more containers but... It might become slightly otT
- Album created by Bouargh
- Updated
- 62 images
- 1 album comment
- 17 image comments
- 62 images
- 1 album comment
- 17 image comments
The Ultimate Siege challenge
An apocalypse game type scenario I'm cooking up, where a player must not only besiege a castle walls, but venture inside as part of a rescue mission
- Album created by spiros14
- Updated
- 35 images
- 35 images
Ashland Desert
A set of scenery done only from bits, scraps and reused material.
Main backbone is a dragoon Teeth network and rumbles + wrecked vehicles. Or what remains...
- Album created by Bouargh
- Updated
- 41 images
- 3 image comments
- 41 images
- 3 image comments
MARK0SIAN's MDF Zone Mortalis Terrain
My effort to build and paint the Tabletop Scenics MDF 'Iron Labyrinth' terrain for some zone mortalis games.
The kit was nice to work with and amazing value for money when you compare it to what you'd have to pay to get a similar amount in plastic.
I hope to expand it further in the future.
- Album created by MARK0SIAN
- Updated
- 28 images
- 28 images
Ash Wastes/GorkaMorka
Terrain and similar for Ash Wastes and/or GorkaMorka- Album created by Antarius
- Updated
- 1 image
- 1 image
This album is home to all the scratch built terrain to be built for the Chronicle of Saint Katherine's Aegis Campaign.- Album created by ThePenitentOne
- Updated
- 14 images
- 14 images
Objective markers/terrain
Objective markers, terrain and other features.- Album created by Kierdale
- Updated
- 194 images
- 194 images
Propaganda Templates
Here's the tutorial I followed for the posters. Essentially, it's google images of propaganda posters for 40k, finding the ones you like. I think GW actually releases some of their own for this purpose as well. Then you put them in your office program of choice at a bunch of different sizes. Print them off and in the tutorial he uses the clearcoat spray that GW sells. I used a matte clear coat sold at my local hardware store, by rustoleum. You spray both sides of the pages kind of dusting them not soaking them but a good layer. It soaks into the regular paper and gives it a bit more substance. The pages might look a little bit frosty, but that's not a problem at this stage.
I either cut them out with a scalpel or a small pair of scissors and smeared PVA on the back. The clear coat stops the inks from bleeding in this stage and the frosted look will disappear when the PVA dries. Smear whatever PVA pops out of the corners onto the front of the poster. Finally it is just a matter of pinching the poster or tearing of small pieces to give it a bit of a weathered look. The last thing I need to go back and do and hit whatever white corners poke out with a spot of agrax shade.- Album created by Neotericity
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- 7 images
- 7 images
Hiro's Terrain Project
working on my 6x4 table for the year and options for an Armies on Parade display board / Kill Team 2x2 tiles.- Album created by Hiroitchi
- Updated
- 74 images
- 74 images
This is the collection of various images of my WIP gaming table(s) and eventually the modular board sections.- Album created by Canadian_F_H
- Updated
- 20 images
- 20 images
Pieces of home-made terrain. Enjoy flicking through!- Album created by Brother Cambrius
- Updated
- 23 images
- 23 images
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