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NUrgle Consumer (Better Picture to come)

Ordo Ouroboros

Nurgle Consumer


It is diffuclt to comprehend whether the Consumer is harderend rotted flesh or rusted metal. No one survives long enough to find out if in close quaters, as the Consumer gets it's name by taking into it's rotting husk any living combant it comes into contact with, or friendly for that matter. It oozes with foul secrections of deisesed foul smelling sludge, mucas and blood. That it brings instant detah both in close quaters and long range is in little doubt. It even holds on it's hull the still living faces of those it has consumed, in eternal agony in it's rotting shell. The Consumer is nigh on unstoppable, the strength of it's hull enhanced by the hardered rot and rusted steel encrusted on it's hull. It is also heavily armed, with an Exorcist missle launcher, whihc can rain a mulituded of destructive shells upon it's enemy for a great distance (when it functions properly), a demoliher cannon, an ordinary missle launcher. It is thses factors alone that make the Consumer one of the deadliest nightmares ever to come from the Ranks of the Inflicted Plague Marines of the Ordo Ouroboros.


WS BS S Fr Side Rear I AP

3 3 10 13 13 10 3 3


Special Rules


Exorcist Misslie Launcher: The Barrles of the exorcist launcher fires a hail of missles in one devastaing salvo. The exorcist is an ancient techonlogy and unreliable, so you must role a D6 each time to see how many shots are unleashed


Range: 48" Strength: 8 AP: 3 Special: Heavy D6


Hungry Tenticals: any Unit assulting the Consumer will be attacked by the hungry tenticals of the Consumer to be eaten. The unit must role against a weapon skill of 3 before close combat with the tank can commence or continue


Explosion of filth: Role 2D6 to see how many models are hit on a wrecked role on a catostrophic explosion, (those with mark of nurgle are immune to the the effects of filth)


Demolisher Cannon: Range: 24" Strength: 10 AP: 2 Ordanance 1, 5" blast


Missile Launcher: (see Chaos rule book)

Heavy Flamer: (See Chaos Rule Book)


"Eat! Consume! Devour! Burp!" Cry of the Deamon infested Consumer

From the album:

The Ordo Ouroboros

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