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The Regiments of the Ordo Ouroboros

Ordo Ouroboros

From left to right, the four major regiments of the Ordo Ouroboros Chaos army


The Infected Regiment: The insane genetecists and egineers of the Ordo Ouroboros are responsble for blighting hundreds of worlds with their genetically created plagues enhanced by the dark Magicks of Chaos and for unleashing horrors such as the Nurgle Consumer Tank Infantry.


The Bastards of Khorne: Onec in service to the Red Shadow Chapter, these traitor marines now follow in the Shadow of their insane general, Kaine the Killer. They have no battle cry of which to speak, but the beating of their drums can be heard for hundreds of miles, speaking only of the death and carnage to come.


The Daughters of Change: Formally of the faithful, Lryis the Witch lead these former Sisters of Battle to their dark fate. Now they serve the Matriach in all things under the guide of the great Shaper, Tzeentch


The Void Marines of Slaanesh: Driven by an endless hunger that drives them insane, these void marines consume everything in their wake. It is even said that sound itself is devoid on the worlds they consume. If there is nothing else, they woudl even fall in on themselves from time to time to satsfy a hunger that can never be satisfied.



Toris for the Soriatos and Chaos Space MArine armor

Obiwan for the Space Marines

Other Chaosfication by me as will as plague/void marine horns, the chaos icon and the picture at the back which was a close up image of our second (succesful) Apocolypse game

From the album:

The Ordo Ouroboros

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