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The Chapel of Baaj

Lord Solcia

Here, we see Reclusiarch Palleus and Dreadnought Kandus protecting The Chapel of Baaj. This holo-picture was taken when the Bizarro Angels had to quickly dig in to protect the holy relic of their Master of Sanctity, from the ambitious actions of a Tau strike-force. This engagement would lead to The Battle of Stone-Blood Plateau, where the Tau and the Bizarro Angels joined forces to repel a corrupted Eldar craft world and it's partner, a Chaos Lord and Daemon Prince from storming in from the site.


After repelling the first waves of enemies, the Tau were wiped out, leaving the Bizarro Angels alone until a company of Crimson Fists arrived to help the war effort! Unfortunately, currently, all contact has been lost in the area...

From the album:

Bizarro Angels Image Captures

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