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So got in my 1K against the Aeldari.


SHD - House Jenius (Taranis)

Lady Gwyneth Thranc Jenius - Castellan "Zorn des Löwen" - Volcano Lance, "Cawl's Wrath", siege cannons x2, shieldbreaker missile battery, twin meltagun x2, Ion Bulwark

Unit A01 - Warglaive - Thermal Spear, Reaper Chain Cleaver, heavy stubber

Unit B02 - Helverin - Armigar Autocannon x2, heavy stubber




Farseer on bike - Singing Spear, Executioner, Mind War, Fate's Messenger, Phoenix gem

Vyper - Bright lance, Shuriken cannon

Vyper - Bright lance, Shuriken cannon

Vyper - Bright lance, Shuriken cannon

Hemlock Fighter - Two heavy D-Scythes


Warlock Skyrunner - Singing Spear Embolden

3 Skyrunners - Shuriken Cannons

3 Skyrunners - Shuriken Cannons

3 Skyrunners - Shuriken Cannons

3 Skyrunners - Shuriken Cannons

Mission: Supply Cashe and Gloryseeker

Deployment: Spearhead

Twist: Many Paths to Victory

Ruse (knight): Tactical Reserve

Placed the warglaive forward, the helverin flanked south and the castellan in the center. The Aeldari were placed along his board edge with a bike squad for each Vyper and escorting his two psykers, the hemlock was in reserve. I got first turn and removed three possible markers and moved the helverin forward to one and the castellan north to another. The warglaive moved just forward to engage the xenos point blank. The castellan dropped a vyper, wiped out a bike squad and almost finished off a second squad. The warglaive failed to damage anything and the helverin only glanced a vyper.

The aeldari split into to forces, two vypers and a squad of bikers surrounded the helverin while the psykers and another squad engaged the warglaive. The two pskers managed to score a combined five wounds even with the hex wards up. The helverin redirected it's shields as the bright lances tried to penatrate and failed, a few shurikens did scratch it though.

It was confirmed at that point that the cashe was far from any of the knights. The castellan moving down the street towards it but losing a large amount of the aeldari targets. The helverin and warglaive move to engage the psykers and hopefully shot down some xenos from the rear. At this range it was hard to miss. The castellan cleared the lone biker from the cashe and in a blaze of plasma took down another bike squad. The warglaive melta'd the warlock, the helverin taking out a vyper. The two tried to pincer the farseer and only the warglaive got in and the farseer's armour held. For his troubles the farseer scores a few good hits with his spear bringing the warglaive into critical.

The hemlock arrives and the aeldari consolidate thier forces. A smite from the hemlock finishes the warglaive and the farseer sends a smite to the helverin doing a wound. The force then focuses on the helverin, her shields barely hold off the assault and the helverin is near critcial.

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