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Sang Guard by Pig of Sparta

Pig of Sparta's "in midnight clad, upon wings of blood"


Like this mini so much its inspiring an entire chapter that I have planned...


Pure Jumper List using BA Codex -- Dishonored Raven Guard Successor that is desperately throwing itself against any enemy it can find to regain the Chapter's honor... and a manipulative Inquisitor playing them for all he's worth.


The color is the inspiration - I hope to be able to duplicate it!


"I think the colours came out so solid because every colour is straight out of the pot, except for the flesh tones on his face and the highlights for the black power armour they were mixed from multiple colours. I'm not sure though if this style of painting is in vogue anymore or if I should be trying to blend more."


"the black is actually really easy to do, it can seem a little daunting, but after using it on a couple of mini's now I've found that as long as you keep the paint watered down you can layer it on really smoothly giving a nice natural progression of the highlights.


It goes a little something like this;

-Over a black undercoat layer on a 70/30 mix of Chaos Black and Hawk Turquoise to the areas of the mini that are hit by the most light.

-Then repeat with a 50/50 but concentrating more on the 'highlights'.

-The last layer is 30/70 Chaos Black Hawk Turquoise on the most prominant edges.

You could also add a really really fine edge highlight of Space Wolves Grey (I didn't on this guy) if you want really stark highlights and or add a wash of Badad Black (again I didn't on this guy as I like the blueness that his armour has) to tie all the layers together. "


for the jetpack glow...


"For the jump pack I used a technique that I borrowed from Brother Captain, but with colours modified to match what I had. It's nice and easy to do:


basecoat Space Wolves Grey

wash with Asurmen Blue

highlight with Space Wolves Grey

highlight with Skull White

glaze with watered down Asurmen Blue to tie everything together


I think if I remember right Brother Captain had used Astronomican Grey where I've used Space Wolves Grey."

From the album:


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