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Forn Grimnir

The Sorcerer Lord Forn Grimnir, the mysterious shadow lurking behind the throne of Jarl-Captain Bolverk. Forn Grimnir exerts large influence in the Iron Hounds regular business, mostly subtle, but sometimes not so subtle at all. This model was made with a Space Wolves Long Fang torso and head, a putty hood, Berserker legs, an old Berserker backpack with the vents cut off and Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard jump pack wings puttied to it, a scythe from the Vampire Counts Zombie Regiment kit attached to a power weapon of some kind, and some other stuff I can't remember but you can probably spot out. He was originally built different, but I got as far as painting him before I got mad at him, stripped the paint off, and ordered new bits to rebuild him. Much better this way.

From the album:

Postcards from Wælheim

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