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Captain Taelos


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This is a model I'm working on of the famous Imperial Fist, Captain Taelos before he disappeared fighting Orks on Golgotha, it's based on the picture of Taelos in Codex Tau. It's not quite finished yet and I'd appreciate any tips people could give me on how to improve it. Though painting is not one of my strong points :wub:


EDIT. I hope these images look better




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love the cape it gives him what appears to be a slightly hunched posture which gives him a commanding aura the whole presentation is great maybe a less blurry pic so that we can see the details


love the cape it gives him what appears to be a slightly hunched posture which gives him a commanding aura the whole presentation is great maybe a less blurry pic so that we can see the details

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here are two clear photos, his legs are slightly bend which makes them look a bit short, it's hard to see with his cape, (though it does help hide the converstion work.)




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You should have had the models hand on the grip of the power sword not the pomel as is he looks like he is a king awaiting the fealty of his subject by kissing his ring hand.


Other then that looks good very nice converision.

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You may want to redo not only the positioning of the hand resting on the sword, but also the hand holding the helmet. It looks like the Captain is offering the choice of either kissing his knuckles or taking his helmet. It's a good conversion idea, but poorly executed. The thumb on the other hand, for example, needs an awful lot of work.


Sorry if that sounded a bit harsh.

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He looks real good to me. The way he holds his helmet seems a little off. And the large fist symbol on his chest seems to big. Otherwise perfect.
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I've always liked that black and white picture of Taelos in codex: tau and I think the conversion is great.


Yea the thumb next to the helmet could be better, and people can nitpick about little details, but overall you can really recognise the character. The choice of head fits the pic perfectly, the paws mix well with the gs'ed fur cloak (I'm guessing it's the paws from the SW plastic sprue?).


Nice work

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I like it, is that power sword 'On'?


OOps.. I guess he was too busy to notice :P


Some of the points mentioned have been good, I've added changes, his right hand has been moved and his thumb remodeled, his helmet has been lowered so it's more like the picture, same goes with the symbol on his chest, it was removed and made smaller ( I plan on repainting it though). I'm not going to change his left hand because I like the way in the picture his hand is resting on it, even if it looks like he wants someone to kiss it :) His cape has also been made thicker and longer and covers his right arm


quality of the pictures isn't good, I need to invest in a better camera




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Okay it's finished, I may at a later date go back and touch it up a bit but for the time being I'm done. It's time to more onto another Imperial Fists character, It'll most likely be Captain Alaric Eshara, though I am tempted to do Captain Bannon and Captain Octavius as well



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  • 3 weeks later...

The head ought to have been a Tau head, but that's a minor detail.


I'm not going to change his left hand because I like the way in the picture his hand is resting on it, even if it looks like he wants someone to kiss it :P


In that case, I demand you make a companion piece of someone kneeling in front of him, leaning over to kiss his hand. I DEMAND IT! :P


In fact, make it a chained-up Iron Warrior captive. ;)

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In that case, I demand you make a companion piece of someone kneeling in front of him, leaning over to kiss his hand. I DEMAND IT! :P


In fact, make it a chained-up Iron Warrior captive. ;)

No make it a Tau :P


Really good looking model there, I bow before your great skills to be able to create such a good mini based of the artwork ;) Cheers!

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In that case, I demand you make a companion piece of someone kneeling in front of him, leaning over to kiss his hand. I DEMAND IT!


In fact, make it a chained-up Iron Warrior captive.

Haha, that's make my day, just for suggesting it makes it worth doing :P

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That's a characterful looking min Apemantus. Good call on changing the right hand. The first thing I thought on seeing the original pics was that the hand just looked wrong. The new hand looks much more natural. Well done man! :rolleyes:
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