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Building a techmarine


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The model doesn't need conversion in my opinion. It is a great Sculpt and has some great details. I used it unaltered as a tech priest Magos in my Ad Mech army and i also use one (same sculpt) in my wolves army as an iron priest, just replaced the head of the axe with a Wolf Hammer from the original model and used the auspex arm instead of the bolter.
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Sorry :o the only one i have was a rush job from back in 3rd Ed. All i did was take Assault marine legs add a BA Tech torso, 2 CSM arms (PW and PPistol) and a SM pack with the vents cut off and replaced with barrels from Ork Shootas.


I strongly recommend that you keep the extremly nice power weapon arm that the Techmarine has.


Personally i wouldnt change the current mini.

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Mine's an odd mishmash of a BA Honour Guard Techmarine, PA shins as thighs, Terminator lower legs, a right arm made of equal parts Terminator upper arm/PA shin for a forearm, a left arm made from a PA Powerfist and a WHFB Chaos Warrior shoulderpad and GK heraldry shield, a Techpriest Enginseer backpack with three Catachan Sentinel arms with appropriate weapons and a fourth servo-arm taken from the Iron Father model.



In its current state, there is no way I'm going to display this travesty of conversion.

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The Techmarine i have at the moment is the old one from 3rd edition which was one of the first models i ever painted. Im going to make a completely new one. Ive got a shoulderpad and body both with the mechanicus symbol on them from the spacemarine tank sprue, and i ordered the staff weapon from direct sales. Ill be taking the servo arm off the old model and trying to improve it some how. ive got to find some good legs, maybe iron hand ones?
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I made one using spare bits. He has dark angel robed legs and hooded head the sholder pads & torso from the vehicle sprue (becausethey have the tech symbol on it) an arm with an auspex and the robotic chainsword arm from the commander sprue. The back pack is a standard space marine back pack with an old gorkamorka bionic limb where one of the vents was. Hope this helps. Mayby just a dark angel vet painted appropriately and with a fancy backpack would suffice?
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This guy is a mix of bits from all over, but I think he's cool. :blink:


He started out as one of the normal techmarines, obviously, and I built on the servo-harness. The addition servo-arm is a Sentinel leg and an Ork Power Klaw off of a Mega-Armoured Nob. The plasma burner is a tripod from the IG Heavy Weapons sprue with two plasma pistols cut and glued on. The flamer arm is: the fuel tank from a Tau jetsuit plasma gun glued to the base of an IG searchlight glued to a rod from somwhere glue to the flamer. There's a power cable off the IG HW sprue to look like a fuel line.



Bannus has a bunch of awesome techmarines/Iron Fathers, but I can't find them on his website...









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Mine's still being assembled... Very, very slowly...




I'm hoping to get more and better pics up soon. His harness is halfway done, and is scratchbuilt as well.


Hope this helps somehow.



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