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Knights Of Kudra

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The Knights of Kudra were formed to combat the growing threat of an Ork Waaagh! from the Urdus Sector. Originally named the Scar Titans, they did thwart the green-skinned menace on multiple fronts. Eventually, and reduced to under half their original strength by their constant crusade, they did stumble on to the feudal death world of Kudra.

Kudra, its inhabitants constantly harassed by the giant lizards known locally as

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The Knights of Kudra were formed to combat the growing threat of an Ork Waaagh! from the Urdus Sector. Originally named the Wehateultramarines Marines,

And there's your first problem, I'm having a hard time taking this Chapter seriously for the simple reason that you've used a gag name in place of something more believable. It looks like you've put a bit of effort and thought into the rest of the IA but frankly, you've wasted it with the gag name at the start, it took me 3 goes to get past 'Wehateultramarines Marines' and each time I see it I quit reading - if you aren't going to take it seriously why should I?


This might seem harsh but I think you'll get a better response if you change the Chapter's former name to something sensible :P

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Truth be told, Wehateultramarines Marines was a placeholder name, used because a friend of mine suggested that I have something there while I work on the rest. So if you can think of something to have them be called then feel free to shout it out, I'm currently working on other areas of the fluff.


And Wazzisphaci should be pronounced Wa-zeez-fah-sigh, not whatshisfacey, as I can tell you're thinking. Yes, Angel of Darkness, I am looking at you.


I'll blank out the early name for now, see if that helps readability. And add the description of the fleet.

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Also a chapter wouldn't be founded simply to hem in an Ork horde - make their founding reason a little deeper - perhaps to help local guard units reconquer lost systems as a part of a crusade that would be the chapter's aptism of fire at the dawn of the 26th founding?
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Just out of interest, is this based at all on the Dragonriders of Pern by Anne Mccaffrey? I ask because if the use of the word "wher" which is like an ancestor of the dragons in the aforementioned books....



And by the way, great background and definitely want to see how the army looks - perhaps a squad of Legio B&C would be appropriate (effectively use DW kill team rules?).


And perhaps a veteran Dreadnaught for Wazzipachi - after all, he survived an Axe of Khonre (albeit a little shorter for it!) so I would assume that he would be entombed in a Dread.


And scratch the 26th founding I suggested, make it a founding just after the Age of Apostasy instead..

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As it happens, I haven't read any of the Dragonrider series. The word "wher" was simply pulled out of a bestiary at my old school library; from the description it sounded a lot like the new GW cold ones.


@Hemal: Perhaps you're right, an Ork Waagh does sound a bit of a weak reason for a founding. On the other hand, look at what happened on Rynn's World...

Wazzisphaci is not a character I intend to use in a game, but if he was then he would get a venerable dreadnaught. Unless you think its more plausible to have him interred in a dreadnaught directly after his fight with Magon Sherr, but with that I refer you to Tobias Maxilla, augmetic from the chest down.


And if I made a unit of Legio B&C marines for these guys I'd have trouble telling them apart from the rest of the army, as the main colour scheme is very similar.


@Aurelius: cheers, I look forward to hearing your comments. Wazzisphaci is here to stay, although I'm half surprised no-one spotted the other "derivative" names (just try reading them with a different emPHAsis, which is how I came up with most of them)

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Well im not sure. I think that orks are enough of a threat for a chapter to be created to keep them at bay. After all look what they did at armaggedon ;) . I suppose more marines are created primarily to fend of chaos but orks are a force that shouldn't be underestimated.


One idea could be have their reason for foundation unknown but have their primary targets at the moment orks? :lol:

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in my fluff my chapter was created in anticipation of a Orc Warlord's rise, but the guy can't hold his boyz together and the whole thing sort of peters out, but my chapter's founding has already begun and when they finally move out... there's really no crusade to launch.


orks are actually like the imperium's number one enemy i thought. they're everywhere and the imps spend way mroe time fighting them than they do the traitors. but chaos gets top billing anyhow. i think it's all the spikey bits.

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Cheers for that Aurelius, I'll go through the text during a free at college tomorrow. I think it was probably the stylistic thing that was bugging me, thanks for pointing that out.


Unfortunately, the big chainsword guy was built before I joined B&C, so no Golgotha homage there.


And for those of you who didn't spot it: Vindei Sell=Vin Diesel. I had him burnt at the stake because he annoyed me at the time

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Ok, this is the absolute last update. The next time you hear about the KoK it will be in a fluff story (Aurelius may be able to guess what about). I'm just going to shove in the link to the chapter symbol here, and a pic of the rest of the armour heraldry here.


Sorry to drag this thread up from the archives, but this is be the last time. I am in the process of putting together a website for these guys, and you may see a link for that soon, but until then, the history is being hosted and posted here.

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Fluff story sounds good, but I can't think what it might be about... give us a clue?


The two links don't work for me - I just get a 'Bebo session expired' page in each case. <_<


I hope that you have had luck at solving the knotty stylistic problems with the Knights... until the website goes live don't forget us, and give us some updates here, why don't you? ^_^

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