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Black Templars Marshal WIP

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Thought I'd post a quick WIP shot of the Templars Marshal I just started.


I've been contemplating doing this one for a while now so yesterday I finally sat down and started it.


It's still very WIP as you can see, but I think I've captured the essence of the pose I was going for, he will have a outstretched sword of some kind in his left hand.






comments and suggestions please :devil:

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the pose kind of reminds me of the horrible cassius pic in the SM codex


please please please make it look better than that! :D


as for the rest of him i invision a storm bolter on the right at a rest position, pointy end facing the ground and a commading sword arm out-streched in front, possible flat of the blade parrelle to the ground



DM ^_^

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as for the rest of him i invision a storm bolter on the right at a rest position, pointy end facing the ground and a commading sword arm out-streched in front, possible flat of the blade parrelle to the ground



DM <_<



That's kinda the idea I'm leaning towards, not sure on exactly which weapons to use, was thinking some type of combi-shooter and power sword.

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I dunno... I reckon a right arm pointing a sword straight upwards or downwards with a left arm pointing out in the direction he's looking would be pretty good.


Although the pointing-sword-with-big-gun-in-other-hand pose would suit him perfectly too...

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Fantastic start! Personally, I think I'd do something like the classic, Conan pose, sword held high in the air, as if just having captured the ground upon which he stands.


However, the pose you're talking about sounds absolutely lovely! The combi-weapon is probably your best bet for fun modelling and painting opportunities.


Good luck!




+EDIT+ Internet filter.. grr..

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Here's a quick shot of the progress so far,




A bit more work on the pose, the "foundation" layer of greenstuff and some work to the base.


I've changed the torso a bit, instead of the collared breastplate i've switched to one of the Templar tabbard fronts and kept the cloaked back, I didn't want to hide any of the detail of the face behind the collar and also it's a looking down type stance and the collar was in the way.


For something different I've decided to make a combi-flamer as his weapon along with a power sword.


As you can also see by the photo I've started a raised border to the greaves, I'm hoping to sculpt as much as I can to create a convincing set of Artificer armour.

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Just posting a quick update, been working on my first attempt at NMM gold. I'm not really convinced I've got the technique down quite yet.




any comments or suggestions are welcome as usual :jaw:

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