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Everything posted by narcolepticltd

  1. Yet more changes to stuff that was just released in print weeks ago? Wow. Yeah I'm definitely not going to bother actually playing 40k... I'll just stick to modelling. That saves me a ton and I can just build what looks cool. Too many fixes for the fixes that fix the fixes. Done.
  2. Didn't bust out the airbrush today, but (some) of the oil paints I ordered showed up, so figured I'd give some OPR and weathering a try. I really only worked this one section on the exhaust port just trying to get a read on the technique... but so far I'm happy with the results. I couldn't do much else as half the colors ordered were actually out of stock and currently back ordered... waiting on the yellows and off whites still, so can't do much with the filtering on the camo.
  3. From the album: Tallarn paint scheme fails of 2017

    First attempts at OPR, on the exhaust ports.
  4. So I ended up stripping one of them back to bare plastic... annoyed at the moment but going to try a different scheme tomorrow. I was messing around with trying to get the stripes up front and didn't really plan it out... wasn't happy with the results. Keeping one in this scheme till my oils show up so I can see what kind of difference a full weathering will do. I'll post a compare between the 2 chipped but unweathered schemes hopefully tomorrow.
  5. Yes! I've actually just put in my order for several different oil paints to attempt exactly that... I ordered about 14 different abteilung 102 to try my hand at some Oil Paint Rendering (which will hopefully cover the fading) and will be using them for most of the weathering as well. I was a bit annoyed with the prices of decent oil paints at the local art shops, so I was waiting for a sale... Matt over at hobbyworld-usa.com is doing the black friday/cyber monday weekend thing, so everything there (outside of model kits) is 20% off. All those tubes of oil are only $5 each instead of the usual $7-$8. I'm thinking I may be able to shift the contrast a bit between the 2 colors in places as well with the oils. It's been a long time since I messed with any of this stuff, and I used the old heavy handed techniques in the past... looking forward to attempting things from the Michael Rinaldi school of thought. Thanks Major!
  6. Thanks! Although it isn't impossible, at the moment I'm just planning for armor - but my ADD may purchase a squad or 2 of storm troopers ;) No painting today, but currently trying to decide on a unit marker and insignia - we'll see if I can get it to chip out properly with what I already have in place so far...
  7. Howdy gang! Pretty boring start here... Just posting up some photos of some chimera armor panels to get some feedback. After screwing around and testing different combinations of tans and desert yellows as well as coming up with a rust color I was happy with, I think I'm finally satisfied enough with the results to get a WIP going here. I've probably painted and stripped these panels 4 different times trying to get a match on the color scheme in my brain, as well as get a read on how to chip paint using the hairspray technique. Definitely no expert yet, but I'm starting to get passable results. I settled on Badger Stynylrez for the primer (black) and am using Mission Models paints for the rust layer and the base camo. Mission Models 'dark rust' color was a tad bit too light and too brown for what I had in mind, so I ended up making my own mix using their basic colors - 1 black: 3 red: 8 brown. Here's the result of that mix (shown here after 2 thin coats of hairspray were applied, hence the satin sheen). I also used their polyurethane mix additive on this layer as it helps the paint spray better and set up more smoothly. For some stupid reason I just couldn't be happy using a color out of the bottle, so I came up with the following for the base sand color - 1 dunkelgelb: 2 RAF middle stone (no poly as it will be chipped) The second tone in the camo I wanted to be subtle with a hard line, but still noticeable... settled on a mix of 1 field green: 8 RAF Middle stone, and taped off a 'charlie brown' style jagged pattern similar to the medusa in the FW master class vol. 1 (which I've not seen in close to a decade... miss that book!) I then chipped the camo back in places to the rust color using a damp brush... Although I have the basics down on the technique, it's still way too easy to over do it... this is probably the first result I didn't completely hate and took a good bit of restraint Still a bit over done, as I'll be weathering over this... Stayed up way too late finishing this up tonight... gonna get some sleep and go eat some turkey :)
  8. Image I ran across in a 40k facebook group... I haven't made them yet but am tempted to attempt... From the looks of it, you likely need to cut a hole for clearance on the inside panel as well.
  9. Oh snap... I did save it :)
  10. From the album: stuff I found on the interwebs that needs to be archived

    Leman Russ inset sponson conversion I found in a facebook post a while back...
  11. stuff I found on the interwebs that needs to be archived
  12. Aesthetically I prefer the look of a russ w/o sponsons, but tend to start adding them in once I know I have the points available when list building. Someone posted a nice conversion that inset the sponsons so the outer edge is flush with the main armor panel, but since it was to facebook and I didn't save the image... I can't find it at the moment (it resembles the lines more closely to a macharius or malcador sponson).
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