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About HandsWithLegs

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    Dark Angels

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  1. I'm thinking of converting the soon-to-be-released sword brethren into a dark angels veteran kill team using the deathwatch rules. However, I only want to get one sword brethren box, just enough for one kill team. Is there a meta loadout for the deathwatch that I should build, or is there a few different ones that are worth looking at and I should magnetize weapons?
  2. Also check out the website that published the review on the kill team subforum, Can You Roll A Crit. They have pictures and screenshots of all the compendium contents *Had. Last time I checked, the unit card screenshots had been taken down. Dallo Ah, shoot, you're right. Thanks for the correction
  3. Also check out the website that published the review on the kill team subforum, Can You Roll A Crit. They have pictures and screenshots of all the compendium contents
  4. IDK where you're hearing that it's not balanced, pretty much all the reviews from people who have played the game say that all the teams are surprisingly well balanced, including both the space marines, veteran guardsmen, and kommandos
  5. I get why people are so bummed out about the compendium, but at this point after reading through all the content inside from posts online I'm back to excited again. The list building does have some options and choice still, especially with the roster system (For example, space marines can pick from 4 different teams before any given match), but the pregame choices seem fantastic. The equipment is fun and flavorful, and I can't wait to try it out, and a lot of the strategic ploys are really cool, and really change how you play turn-to-turn. the player places terrain with the barricades sounds super cool too! I encourage people to keep an open mind with this system, and at least give it a chance, I think this could be something really great, despite its flaws
  6. Keep in mind for KT21 you get a full roster of 20 guys. That's roughly four complete teams for space marines. then you can pick which one you want to use after seeing the mission and the opponent's faction. I would put together a team of primaris, a team of firstborn, and a team of scouts, plus a few extras and options for firstborn and scouts, and use each one to have a slightly different approach in games. Then you can further vary up the playstyle with the selectable equipment to augment guys and further cover weaknesses.
  7. When I saw the initial reviews of the compendium I was pretty skeptical, but now that all the contents have been uploaded online I'm a lot more excited again. There's still a bit of choice in the list building, and there's a LOT more pregame options to pick. The equipment looks really exciting, and the pre-turning point stratagems often really change how the team plays for a turn. Plus, the rosters seem really fun, especially for elite teams. Space marines can fit four completely separate kill teams into their roster, picking a different one each round of a tournament! Not to mention the different secondarys and the system for different secondarys based on the type of team seems great. While its not perfect, and very different than KT18, I'm definitely excited and can't wait to give it a shot
  8. No guesses, it's whatever you paid for Indomitus/ dominion What about the books individually?
  9. Do we know US pricing yet, or are we still guessing based on prices in Europe?
  10. Even if it does, its not I-go-you-go, alternating activations should diminish the impact of double turns quite a bit
  11. Yeah, it could just be another fire team they could add on. To balance the varying power levels of the commanders they could even attach a retinue to some of the weaker ones
  12. I don't think we should take the teams from the box set as an example for the other teams. Those are designed in a particualr way with only one kit for each one. The other factions all have multiple troop types. I'm guessing we're going to see a handful of different fluffy kill teams with a mix of units in them
  13. Those are helpful, but are mostly for flat blades. Its the line of individual teeth that I'm struggling with
  14. I've been trying to paint a chainsword so that it looks like the teeth/blade are freshly out of a forge, and burning white hot. I've had pretty good success on flat blades, but the chainsword teeth throw me off, and I can't find any examples online. Does anybody have any advice or experience with this that they can share?
  15. Very interesting tidbit from the bottom of the article today, bolded for emphasis: It looks like the baricades in the starter box are going to be player-placed terrain. It'll be interesting to see the extent of that system
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